Some good info there... Do you need any license to get a dive bottle? Is there any extra insurance needed to transport it to and from locations?
No, you don’t need a licence for a dive bottle - but it would need to be hydro tested in the appropriate time frames.
Insurance - maybe
If you have a commercial / business vehicle then the insurers definitely have an interest. (This includes a company car and can trip you up if you are a paper clip salesman during the week and carrying air for your hobby at the weekend)
In your private vehicle then it depends on the insurer, they may not care or they may need to be told which may or may not incur a charge. They would be interested in how often you are transporting - is it just to and from a dive centre to be filled, are you carrying it every weekend/daily?
It would need to be properly secured
You may need to display the green diamond for carrying an air cylinder.
The criteria varies from commercial/business/private vehicles and the quantity of compressed air.
There is no legal requirement for a green diamond on a private vehicle carrying a normal sized paintball air cylinder. But if the fire brigade need to cut you out of your car on the motorway they may prefer to have seen the green diamond before they spot an unknown cylinder in there with you