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Woodland Events - A flash in the pan ? ..... [Poll Test]


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Dave, Twizz called me up today and we had a quick talk concerning what you guys are trying to achieve down there.
From the figures you've supplied, it's true to say you are growing.

At the start of any new endeavour, it doesn't really matter how steep the growth curve is - what's important is the fact that growth has been sustained throughout the six years you've been promoting woodland events with no contraction.

You had your work cut out that's for sure because Ainsley's template for promoting his CPPS events couldn't be duplicated for woodland events/series such as yourselves purely because the catchment demographics are entirely different.

Ainsley's cherry-picking pool was already established and wanting/needing somewhere to play the game, and of course be treated fairly and professionally.
Ainsley didn't disappoint, he and his guys hit the ground running that's for sure and he managed to establish himself as the thousand-pound gorilla in his first year, no mean feat for someone who'd had no real experience promoting events like the CPPS - but to paraphrase a well-known maxim:- 'He built it, and they came'.

In your case, you not only had to build an event, you had to provide a very real alternative to open arena formats for players who had been waiting in the wings for just such an opportunity .… once they played at your event, they were hooked just like a lot of them were twenty years ago.
It's true to say your catchment pool was nowhere near Ainsley's numbers but that's not the point - the point is, you managed to take advantage of an opportunity that the vast majority of sports could never begin to emulate.

As James says, 'It's up to the players', they now have a viable option to play but they also have the responsibility to do what they can to maintain your event series.

James ECI

UK Woodland Masters
Jul 31, 2007
In your case, you not only had to build an event, you had to provide a very real alternative to open arena formats for players who had been waiting in the wings for just such an opportunity .… once they played at your event, they were hooked just like a lot of them were twenty years ago.
It's true to say your catchment pool was nowhere near Ainsley's numbers but that's not the point - the point is, you managed to take advantage of an opportunity that the vast majority of sports could never begin to emulate.

As James says, 'It's up to the players', they now have a viable option to play but they also have the responsibility to do what they can to maintain your event series.
Its really good to have some bigger conversation on this site again! (y)

The pool of players has gotten smaller over the years - I started in 2007 - and there is less players but what this means is, for those who do still play, the events need to be that much better. Either in terms of service provided, atmosphere or the players perception with regards to value for money.

With a bigger picture in mind, the original idea with the intial 7 man was that established sites would pick up the torch after the proof of concept was done, that there were woodland players.

Nothing sprouted so we did what dave mentioned previously.

If the player pool is to grow further, "Paintball" cannot just look just to the UKWM, it needs sites in different regional locations to run something. Smaller events need to be put on. Dave Elliot up in Scotland, plays for the Turks, but flies down to play our events. At his site he will put on smaller events so that his player base can play competitive woodsball.

There is no reason to keep to the same format either. Diversity is one of the best things about paintball. All that needs to happen is for a seed to be planted and an enthusiastic promoter to take this to the next level (and not think only the of the ££££)
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Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
This! We've already seen some wavering... it really is up to the PB community not to shoot itself in the foot going into 2020.

This means suppressing bullsh!t, pointing out positives and not jumping on the negativity bangwagon all the live long day - trust me it takes its toll!
James, that's why I said that very thing. It's no good you guys providing the series as some kind of paintball philathropists. It has to be rewarding in more than just grateful thanks from teams.

If you weren't doing it, I dont know who would.
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James ECI

UK Woodland Masters
Jul 31, 2007
James, that's why I said that very thing. It's no good you guys providing the series as some kind of paintball philathropists. It has to be rewarding in more than just grateful thanks from teams.

If you weren't doing it, I dont know who would.
Mark you are one who talks straight up facts and should be heard.

One thing I've found in recent times is that there is a level of surprise when someone speaks the actual truth.

It goes both ways, if a promoter has done a bad job tell them and if they are good at what they do they will fix it. Don't blow smoke up their ass on social media.

If the teams are causing issues, then promoters need to curb this behaviour, even if it is going to dent their pocket, after all they have another x amount of teams who are affected by the negative and could be contributing factor to stop players wanting to play.

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Mark you are one who talks straight up facts and should be heard.

One thing I've found in recent times is that there is a level of surprise when someone speaks the actual truth.

It goes both ways, if a promoter has done a bad job tell them and if they are good at what they do they will fix it. Don't blow smoke up their ass on social media.

If the teams are causing issues, then promoters need to curb this behaviour, even if it is going to dent their pocket, after all they have another x amount of teams who are affected by the negative and could be contributing factor to stop players wanting to play.
And I believe you have done just that in not letting the teams wag the series and power to you.

I have been critical of aspects of what you have provided in the past but hopefully have shown you the respect you deserve edged with my right as a paying customer to display dissatisfaction where needed.

You have played your hand right so far and have kept everything going as you want and what is in the best interests of growing your offering.

Keep up the good work, I wouldnt be playing without UKWM.


Jul 15, 2019
As much fun I had playing woodsball again at Grand Central Classic, it also reminded me why I loved getting out of the woods back in the days.
Reffing is a nightmare, and frankly its just to much "cheating" going on to ever be a serious competition format. But with that said, its much more fun playing than X-ball.
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James ECI

UK Woodland Masters
Jul 31, 2007
As much fun I had playing woodsball again at Grand Central Classic, it also reminded me why I loved getting out of the woods back in the days.
Reffing is a nightmare, and frankly its just to much "cheating" going on to ever be a serious competition format. But with that said, its much more fun playing than X-ball.
Head down to the UK Woodland Masters if you can!

We've spent 6 seasons trying to get it right - part of the answer - More refs!

James ECI

UK Woodland Masters
Jul 31, 2007
I think that guys who’ve reffed in the woods make for pretty good refs on an airball field but unfortunately, guys who’ve reffed on airball fields do not make good refs in the woods.
Possibly... but i think alot of it comes down to the Refs choice on if they are bothered or not.

This comes down to the help and compensation they are receiving.

If there is enough Reffing bodies on a field - then its easier as you have less space that you a responsible for and as a result not running about like a headless chicken

It also comes down to how the league deals with talking back. UKWM there is no room for it anymore. Players spoke, we listened - as a player once you are shot, you best make yourself scarce from the field otherwise you are risking 1-4-1s everytime you fcuk about.

And compensation - gone are the days you can or should / could pay as little as you can get away with. Pay peanuts.....what do you get...

Ninja edit - @Robbo has the poll disappeared?
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hi James - re the poll?

I hadn’t set the poll up correctly and so it wasn’t registering votes but it did register thread visitors for some reason.

I’ve not mastered the new Xenforo software yet and so I’ve gotta tinker with a few set-up options again.
I’ll try and sort it out today sometime. Apologies for delay anyways guys.
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