The absolute truthThe efficiency gains aren't really worth it if you get one break in the number of shots you get off a tank, plus how often do you actually run out of air?. If you're trying to get 40 shots out of a 12 gram then it is worth it but otherwise its not in my opinion.
At a walkon or tournament when you go in and out of games then you have a very inefficient gun, a tiny air source or are spewing paint. Even with 3000psi fills players should be capable of lasting a game
Those that I have seen run out of air have been those who failed to refill - make it routine to fill as you leave a game. A certain amount of cockiness may come from efficiency
Even at big games then the chances are you will be in and out at reasonable times
Efficincy is a factor that can be worked on, but it does not have to be a deciding factor. With efficiency, consistency and accuracy I would prefer consistency
'Accuracy' in paintball comes from consistency which gives you a better sense of whether a ball will go in the direction you point it at a distance from what you're pointing at
Efficiency is low on my priorities - can I shoot the paint I'm carrying?
There is no real penalty to me for being inefficient on air - it's free to me as a player (it costs the site in generator, fuel & maintenance)
And unless there are giant queues I have easy access to air. If there are giant queues then I can choose my times, or queue with the rest of them