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NXL Off-Season Rumours, Transfers, Shens, etc......


I'm a country member!
Your point about US players hanging out and drinking beer probably proves the point that they don't necessarily take it so seriously. I noticed your omission of the Russians, complelty, in their heydays, they proved the point, to the extent of their star players becoming hired guns for the US teams. The last euro team to make a serious effort (not just a trip to Cup) was Tontons, arguably the best all European team of the moment. However, it comes back to the issue of budgets and sponsorship!

I used to good.Honest

UKPSF #7126
Oct 20, 2013
It's a conflict of interest.
Happens all the time. I don't get the outrage.
If you take a sponsors money, you need to commit to that sponsor. You can't do that if you work for their competitor. This is a given.
Also, I think it's twisted a little. Do you think APX want their sales guy endorsing a competitive product, or winning with it? Of course not.
"oh yeah, he sells it, but he doesn't use it himself..." This does not read well and he would be doing a dis-service to his employer.

Bobby made a life-choice. He would have known going in that taking that job would most likely have meant leaving a GI/KEE sponsored team in order to keep his employer happy. He would also have known that he would not be able to properly commit to GI/Kee as a sponsor if he stayed with his team.
This is just part of growing up. Nothing to do with GI being evil, or sucking. Bobby wants to work in paintball and have a career. That should come first, shouldn't it?
If anything, this speaks to Bobby's professional awareness more than anything else. He is doing the right thing and so is Infamous. If they didn't need sponsorship dollars they wouldn't have to do it, true, but if you take the money you have to give value for it.

The alternative is sponsors give the teams money and ask for no commitment in return. Anyone think that's the right way to do it?.
I would agree up to a point. Bobby has been with tpx for months, do why two weeks before an event was he cut. Goldman and damian both touted different brands of paintball wear last year. Not all infamous guys have worked for kee , brad , callie, damian and nicky all did bobby did start working for kee last year, but hadn't for a while. If he's not endorsing the products while he's playing for infamous I don't see any conflict.
Gi have known for months who does what within infamous, so why tell infamous to cut bobby now?
The ironmen aren't a tpx team yet he's now playing for them. I bet dye don't ask the ironmen to cut bobby.
I just find it strange that when it was kee this did not happen. I'm just not impressed by gi and their actions so far.
I know full well that back in the day if a sponsor had told marcus who he could have playing for him in the preds , he would have told them in no uncertain terms where they could go .
Unfortunately Travis is not in that position with infamous right now.
I know it's the modern way but I still think it sucks, maybe it's because a lot of my personal friends have been affected by the gi takeover . I just don't like what they are doing in paintball so far.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
take your point about the timing. The GI/KEE merger has only just gone live (last month) and the transition is still not complete. I think there were more corporate matters to resolve before they took a look at how their talent would be able to represent them this season. The team deals would have been cut recently enough. This sucks for the players in some ways, but it was sure to come and I expect the veteran players like Bobby knew the writing was on the wall for a while, even if it wasn't formally announced. Travis is a big deal at Kee/GI and is going to expect his team to give value back to the firm in return for their package.
..as for the deal itself. I understand how it would be unpopular, but I like it more than the alternative. People sell for a reason. GI was a much smaller company than Kee was. The fact that the minnow can swallow the whale speaks volumes about the state of the industry. before you slam Gi, think about who else is going to push the game forwards... At least GI is made up predominantly of ex-players. better than a faceless corporation being in charge!


Super Moderator
Mar 25, 2014
I *think* Bobby has no issues playing on the Ironmen due to them not having a paint deal (wait yes they do). GI/Kee make paint and you have to shoot it at events. Being at APX who is a competitor makes things a bit murky. Especially when GI is looking to cut redundant expenses.

Well Ironmen are shooting Valken this year...who makes Valken? APX?