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Diego Martorelli

Infiltrated South American
Jul 16, 2015
I must apologise profusely for our attitude towards yourself. The rules, they suck and of course everyone should be able to circumvent them without restraint. To make up for it, we'd like to make you president of the plat forum, but of course, we'll pay for it, and id like to take this opportunity to stick my middle finger up to all the plats who have spent money, for those extra couple of perks and say HA HA! You shoulda just complained like president Diego. That's what gets you places in life. No need to buy plat anymore, just do what you want, and if someone don't like it, blame someone else.
Im just asking why my posts were deleted ... not blaming anybody for anything, please show me the rules were it says that feedback-like posts on the profiles are to be deleted. And even though it was kinda funny you don't need to be a moron man.

Diego Martorelli

Infiltrated South American
Jul 16, 2015
Im not saying anyone says youre here to scam people however just by the tone of your posts you sound outraged that posts have been deleted.. even though this has been done to many people not just yourself.

I sell alot through here.. but i dont ask for feedback or posts on my profile. I just dont make waves for the sake of it..yet people still buy off of me ... see where im going with this?
im not outraged at all man, just asking about the confusing rules of this forum, like i said since im a foreign on this community those posts helped me a lot.

James ECI

UK Woodland Masters
Jul 31, 2007
Im just asking why my posts were deleted ... not blaming anybody for anything, please show me the rules were it says that feedback-like posts on the profiles are to be deleted. And even though it was kinda funny you don't need to be a moron man.
This is what im talking about.. why do it?


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Feedback is a perk reserved for our platinum members, among others like access to the play classifieds, extra Pm's and the general acceptance that play members are all round good eggs.

As @foot quite rightly says, they are paying for the privilege.

My mistake, it was @Bolter who quite rightly said it ;)
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Aug 19, 2003
From the get go you have come to these boards and have demanded, argued, pulled the foreigner card countless times, pushing the rules at every turn, demanding to know why (read, not asking, demanding) you have to stick to any of them, and now, attempting to make your own feedback system, despite it being a perk for plats only, and of course, name calling is free. People pay for plat, what are they going to think looking at your free feedback system? It was probably a Plat member that told us about it.

Diego Martorelli

Infiltrated South American
Jul 16, 2015
@Diego Martorelli it was me who deleted the profile posts.
As mentioned above, feedback is one of the perks of platinum membership, as you are not a plat member I deleted them......as they were a form of feedback.
Ok i understand that, but like i said i see people doing this all over like this guy here... http://p8ntballer-forums.com/members/cheyenne.21412/, so when i saw my posts were deleted i came here looking for answers.

@Bolter from the go i read every rule but there are things like this one that are note written down and thats when i came to this section asking answers, i don't know why you say demanding.

@Dusty just go ahead and ban me if you want to, i dont seem to fit in this place anyways.