I cant see it being allowed in tourney. If they do it could be handy if we do go m500 and they bring a loader out that connects with the gogs and tells you how many shots you e done. That's about it.
i don't think this was ever going to be aimed at tournament players. Coming from someone who's only played a handful of scenario games, I wandered around like a headless chicken, not entirely sure of what objectives were being pursued, where certain key points were etc. So the location feature alone is pretty handy as it keeps the gun in your hand and eyes on the game without pulling maps out. Plus I pretty much gave up trying to locate teammates if i got separated, but i bet even with radios its still a bit of a conversation to figure out where to rendezvous, so if you can see them on your map then thats one less distraction you need to worry about causing.
add in the marker information and comms and you have everything you could possibly want.
If it was allowed in tourney it would be helpful seeing where and when your teammates have moved; could see that being especially cool as a snake guy with his head in the dirt, can know when someone on the other wire has made a move, potentially taking pressure off of me. also spotting eliminations instantly and not miscounting how many guys you've lost could be helpful. would also be really cool to have it linked in to the game clock in case you're in a position where objects like the M or Medusas block your view of it.
But then all those challenges are what i like about the game so i quite agree with keeping it out of the competition.