if u want to know what would happen too your body if u drifted into space watch a film called event horizon. its pretty much your veins exploding and your blood boiling and eyes popping out of sockets kinda thing
Wow, thats a mind boggle Rich. I just dont know. In your first query, how would you shine a light into the cube if its sealed? Where would the light enter from??
Wow, thats a mind boggle Rich. I just dont know. In your first query, how would you shine a light into the cube if its sealed? Where would the light enter from??
Oooooh I seeee. Well I just dont know then. I guess if it was one way then to someone looking from the outside there would be no light emitting from the box. once the light source stops however...I just cant say. I dont know enough about the physics of light to answer that I'm afraid. Interesting though.