Find a budget and get yourself a good, comfy mask first. Thermal lens is essential!i would highly recommend the Grillz or dye i4 however its down to preference and what you find comfortable. Then look at getting a hopper, a good start I would say is a rotor as 777 said. I find it easy to maintain and not to expensive. other options would be a spire or a Z2 (spire being a bit more expensive. Second hand rotors are around 70-85.
In my opinion most people upgrade there hopper before a marker. So i would get a good hopper, most beginners i see get a halo 2 or something like that to start . Don't. They need taking apart to clean and if you are playing Race 2, or in fact any tournament you need to clean it out quick. This you cannot do with a Halo.
Marker wise, try before you buy, a planet eclipse marker will be less hassle however they are not everyone's cup of tea (including myself) there are a whole ranger of markers so see whats out there first before you buy, get hands on, watch review... There not cheap so make sure you are certain with your choice.
Buy second hand, save a lot of money.
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