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How Was It For You?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
I got my gun license. Bought 4 guns. Shot a lot of ammo.
Didn't play a single game of paintball. Sold my airsoft gear. The paintball gear is next. Sad because I have a lot of one-off Angel sample gear that I might use one day.


Aug 19, 2003
I got my gun license. Bought 4 guns. Shot a lot of ammo.
Didn't play a single game of paintball. Sold my airsoft gear. The paintball gear is next. Sad because I have a lot of one-off Angel sample gear that I might use one day.
any chance of some pics of said angel stuff in another thread maybe? Would love to see what you got!

Adam Axford

Northern Devils Captain #89
Nov 14, 2013
Greater Manchester
Started a new team (Northern Devils) and was elected captain
Played all 5 events at CPPS Breakout Division and finished 2nd overall (7th / 4th / 4th / 6th / 6th)
Upgrade from an Invert Mini to an Eclipse Etek 3AM and am now running an Eclipse Geo 3.1
Entering the 7-Man and looking forward to the 2015 season with possible plans to expand to 2 teams depending on who's playing next year and what Div we plan on entering.
All good, had a really good year, really enjoyed becoming part of the paintball community...


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2008
@Dave284 I know a little about the Ref situation at CPPS.

They are between a rock and another rock, with not enough experienced refs. The age old problem, as people would rather play than ref.

Ainsley and his crew are trying to bring new refs up the ranks by mixing them with more experienced refs on the field, so they can learn from them.

Bear with him - he's a good man.
Fully understand the situation, and have nothing but love for ainsley. Honestly, the standard at the start and the end was completely chalk and cheese, I saw calls that would have been out of place on a rec-day. We were spoiled at the start with a truly quality head ref compared to the one we had at the end.

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
Fully understand the situation, and have nothing but love for ainsley. Honestly, the standard at the start and the end was completely chalk and cheese, I saw calls that would have been out of place on a rec-day. We were spoiled at the start with a truly quality head ref compared to the one we had at the end.
It will be sorted. Lots of things going on in the off season, and I might come back reffing - you can see me on the Derder video for World Cup 2005, the XSV v Dynasty finals. Very much a crunch game.
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Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
Thinking about it, coming back reffing might cause more problems than it solves.

I'll just bring some sponges and wipe the bunkers down between points, as I understand that bunker rub was an issue. I'll probably bring a rake as well, to deal with all the balls that are dropped behind bunkers.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
In the last year:
1. I've played more paintball in the last 12 months than I have for many years.
2. Played some awesome events, spectated some and took some first timers on rental days
3. Spent some time on a tourney field for the first time in a loooong time and actually managed to not completely embarrass myself.
4. Bought a brand new paintball gun for the first time in about a decade
5. Spent an insane amount of money (for me) on the sport and loved it all.
6. Visited Canada and went to a Badlands store. A name I'd been hearing for years and it was incredible to see a genuine paintball retail shop, particularly one as busy and cool.
7. Probably wound up far too many ill-informed asshats on Facebook Paintball groups
8. Met a load of really awesome people and put faces to names I've known for a long time.
9. Managed to get my long standing girlfriend out onto the field fairly regularly and she's been loving it.