I feel like he has individual moments of paintball greatness still but that's mostly down to his individual skill. I just don't think he's able to play the x-ball style anymore. He seemed alright at 7man, but I think he's passed it a bit now.
I hate him, I've no idea where my passionate hate for him come from, but I've just come to realise he's over-rated and it annoys me. He's a result of the highlight reels before we got spoiled with paintball access. He makes as many stupid moves as he can, eventually one pays off and then all of a sudden he's a superstar.
Dynasty 6 - 1 Damage, poor show from damage all weekend imo, they managed to get through, not by playing better than people, but simply not playing worse. Just didn't cut it this weekend for them, especially not against Dynasty who have really seemed to nailed this field. My money would be on them to win this event.
Really hoping Aftershock go through though, just for ****s and giggles