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what is this paintball venue like with the sentry gun?


Nov 27, 2006
We aren't a paintball site, but a scenario team who also run a scenario game of our own generally once a year plus occasional other mini events.

I won't go into our future games as we haven't advertised on this forum. You can find details of our next game on the website you linked (our events tab)

In the past we have run games at a few venues, the sentry gun has been used in our games, plus we have also brought it to time wars (the year before last) and to Drakelow tunnels. It was featured on tv in 'how to survive a disaster movie', which you can watch online via the link on our website. (I also 'star' in another episode in the movie myth regarding soldiers shooting at UFOs)

Our man Adam is the guy behind building the sentry gun and he also builds numerous gadgets including Hollywood style countdown bomb timers, mines, uavs, etc. I am probably the man most shot by the sentry gun in testing and as Joel dommets 'stunt man' when setting up the scenes.

Catch more of our gadgets in use on our youtubes


Nov 27, 2006
For scenario though there are scenario teams there is no need for anyone to be in a team
There are usually 2 sides in a game, you join the side you want and then can play alone or tag along with others
A new lone player will often out a shout out on the forums and a team may adopt them for the day, the new player tags along with the guys next to them on the bench or they wing it for the day and join whoever is nearby whenever they respawn - or just play by themselves
A lone player / couple of guys have th choice to play how they like, and if they are up for getting into the scenario rather than just gunfights then they are loved by 'leaders' when they come up offering to pursue any allocated task

Scenario games may vary as to how suitable they are to a new player. Unless you head straight for a gunfight they are less intense then walkons so are usually 'new player friendly'. But there is a general 'sufficiency' assumption, you are expected not to be the sort of person to lift your googles when hit. So for the total novice it depends on the individual
Some games are highly intense & specialised - they are a baptism of fire for the new player and they go home with the best experience of their lives, or it's not for them

For our games they are mainly ''new player friendly' and we usually have an arrangement with the site to include rentals so those with no gear are usually welcome.
For our next game I havent had the 'rental discussion' and numbers are limited, but that does not mean a new player wouldn't have a good time

I'll put the question to our guy as to whether rentals have been catered, but we can cover the odd new player anyway if need be.

(Facing the sentry gun is a real baptism of fire for a new player & I'd recommend approaching with caution - when it sees you it keeps shooting until you are out of range - if you walk straight at it you can back off, if you sneak up successfully and it finds you then all you can do is run away!
We have safety measures but overshooting will happen - and the people who like playing with the sentry seem to love being overshot)


Active Member
Nov 17, 2013
avonmouth, bristol, uk
(Facing the sentry gun is a real baptism of fire for a new player & I'd recommend approaching with caution - when it sees you it keeps shooting until you are out of range - if you walk straight at it you can back off, if you sneak up successfully and it finds you then all you can do is run away!
We have safety measures but overshooting will happen - and the people who like playing with the sentry seem to love being overshot)
So the sentry gun operates without a supervised person, so that you do not get over shot.. cool.. I Pity the FOOL.. haha


Nov 13, 2013
great thankyou I have my own kit did my first walk on sunday and consider myself tactically minded me and my friend brought are tickets (anti-terrorist) so I guess we will see you there really looking forward to it (y)
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Nov 27, 2006
So the sentry gun operates without a supervised person, so that you do not get over shot.. cool.. I Pity the FOOL.. haha
We operate it supervised - for safety reasons. But it thinks for itself.
If you have an accident though we do always have someone supervising to disable it.

The sentry is in full control - you move into its line of sight, it will track you and intelligently aim depending on your movement. It will keep shooting while you present a target, it won't stop because you call hit or put your hand up. It will also pick multiple targets. (And take your photo as it shoots you)
I did manage to begin to beat it once trying to be sneaky while two others ran around - a partial success as I could not move and every time they crossed over me it would chase them but pause to put a couple of shots on me as it passed!

The way to minimise being shot, other than not going up against it, it to plan your escape - either keep to boundaries so you can duck out or keep on running and dot head straight forwards.

For some tips on how to distract it watch the segment online.
Though there was the magic of television involved the techniques did work. However you need everything to work every time and for you to beat the AI. What it does not show you is how he got the neck wound you are shown at the end.

When preparing to film the director did not want Joel to experience being shot as he had never played paintball and he wanted a genuine reaction. It was for late evening TV so language was not an issue - other than 2 specific words.

As action was called as soon as he moved he took a burst of 3 shots that went across his neck, and they did not break. 2 specific words echoed across the site giving un-televisable footage.
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Nov 27, 2006
great thankyou I have my own kit did my first walk on sunday and consider myself tactically minded me and my friend brought are tickets (anti-terrorist) so I guess we will see you there really looking forward to it (y)
You've been to one walkon, going by the events you've lined up for starters above your avatar you've properly discovered scenario, you have a mate to play with.

These circumstances sound pretty familiar to me, such as the origin of TFD. Lets see what you guys are doing in 5 or 6 years time
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2013
avonmouth, bristol, uk
These circumstances sound pretty familiar to me, such as the origin of TFD. Lets see what you guys are doing in 5 or 6 years time
we are total novices been to a few paintball days over the few years, well we hope so that is.. ha. we are more tactical than just run and fire and hopeful the best.

thanks for the advice and the information, more likely see you in February.