Just throwing this out there, But, I do like the Vouch system and would be quite happy to vouch for some of my team mates. I have even Vouched for other people on here in the past who I dont know but have dealt with and are regular user names that I know are trustworthy. I would even hope that if people were to see my user name that I am noted as a trustworthy person.
If we are making any other changes to the forum for security issues, is there anyway that we can have shown under our user name and above the avatar our team name and make sure that this is a field that MUST be completed. Then if some were to put in REDSKINS for arguments sake, someone like me who is in the team would be able to notify a MOD that this person is not associated to that team. If they are not in a team then as a default this could show NO TEAM or something along these lines But MUST have something on there. 99% of ballers on here go to the different tournament series and speak with other teams and there are people and faces that you see all the time and you get to build up new friendships. Due to this you could then contact the captain to have a word - due to this and being on the forum I have now found a friend in @
foot (Dave from Sabotage) and I'm sure in this scenario a Captain would want to try and help out in order that their Team Name and reputation is kept in tact.
I hope the above makes sense as it did in my head when I typed it.
Going back to the original thread, it does really P**S me off when you see the same user name spamming 20 Plus threads but I'm the same as Dusty now that when I click on new posts I go down the right habd side of the screen and then look at the threads with different names showing.
This is becoming a problem and whilst I do want to introduce new and young players into this arena, there are a fair few with a Chip on their shoulder that do need to be taken down a peg or two.