We have a private ref page and after every event, we review the comments and discuss all "issues" thoroughly,
I've said this before and I'll say it again, we're the first UK series to use dedicated refs to do the job and not mixing players in on the day to fill the gaps. We're investing in training them and working on how to improve reffing as a whole which is an ongoing process. This isn't going to be a quick repair, it's going to take probably this season whereby the majority of the refs are at a "standard" level of experience and knowledge. Referees are being rotated between fields to gain experience across the board and learn new things from each of our senior referees. Refs were rotated on the day even to help bolster certain divisions and they are constantly monitored by our Ultimates, whom give me feedback on their performance. We take you comments very seriously and all my reffing crew will be reading them and taking them on board.
Chronographs.......we've highlighted the issue (they were about 4cm too low so the radar was hitting the back board), so this being rectified this week.
Staging area at the bottom.....basically, that is where one of our main drains is, but appears that compaction from foot traffic there sealed the tarmac planings, so we'll be digging out a section and replacing with pea gravel to ensure constant drainage and no more puddles at that end. We've also marked out where other puddles occurred and will be adding more to raise the level overall.
Quick question re start sounds. We are basing ours on the Millennium start beeps to ensure a crossover for those teams playing Millenniums. Are teams happy with the 10 beeps then the start sound or would you prefer 5 then the start sound? We're also going to increase the volume of the final start sound for the next round to make it more audible. The wind didn't help with the sound carry, but should be even clearer for next time.
Personally, while the catering was to a high standard, I'd like to see them speed up a little and will be discussing with them on how best to do this. Staggering the fields was done, but the problem is with 600 people, no matter what time you break for lunch, everyone wants to eat at around 12/1pm, so if game break allows it, they will!
Liam, we didn't want to move you guys back over again to the Eclipse field, and it was only a 20min difference, so by the time you would have moved your bags etc, it wouldn't have been worth it
Gonzo, you comments are being assessed on our ref page currently. Thank you for this as without this kind of feedback we can not look to improve things!