Empire prophecy (first generation, not z2) go for fairly cheap aswell these days!. So it may be worth keeping an eye out for one of them if your not in a rush. Sound activated and tool less design, was essentially the top end empire loader until the z2 cakes out.
Remember though that most events/tournaments these days are capped at 10.5/12.5 bps, a halo will more than capable hold up to that!. If you do go down the halo route may I suggest searching for hybrid shells, these have a removable top section which makes cleaning easier when the system uses screws to hold itself together .
Remember though that most events/tournaments these days are capped at 10.5/12.5 bps, a halo will more than capable hold up to that!. If you do go down the halo route may I suggest searching for hybrid shells, these have a removable top section which makes cleaning easier when the system uses screws to hold itself together .
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