Strange also how the US Army use paintball as a training aid....
I do tend to generalise when I don't realy know what I'm talking about (the TA post is a classic example)
However, when it comes to Airsoft/Paintball this isn't the case.
I distribute every relevant paintball item and about 180 different types of Airsoft guns, plus all the ancilliary equipment. I supply Police forces, Swat teams, Military police, regular army and many other government agencies, up to and including the the Foundation for the Protection of Kodiak Bears (although I don't supply the Stabs, but during my stint in the US I did cut a deal with the National Guard, which is kinda the same thing (but better funded). I know what they used 5 years ago, what they use now, and what they would like to use in the future, so I am not in a position where I need to guess at current or previous trends.
They want Magfed equipment.
They have been using Tiberius products, occasionally Milsig, very occasionally they use M98's, but only when they called Tippmann first, and got sold the wrong gear. Agencies that train with simulated rounds choose the Tiberius product because the First Strike round is the same size and has much the same flight characteristics. Those that are not training with simmunition, will switch to airsoft with their next purchase.
I can tell you now mate they do not operate the same. Not even close. I suppose the real issue I have is plastic guns pretending to be the real thing and men pretending theyre soldiers when theyre not. Ive seen the real thing and that is awesome, plastic pellets and rubber knifes just arnt....
The Airsoft guns I'm talking about actually eject spent shells when you fire. They are all metal, and have simulated blowback recoil. They are the closest thing I have ever seen to real firearms, and I handle real firearms regularly. I also know the guns you're talking about. I sell both types. people don't want the cheap plastic stuff anymore.