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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
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OK competition time

I have been asked recently "If there was one goal that you would like to see the UKPSF achieve what would it be?"

Simple - To get the game of paintball recognised by Sports Council UK as a SPORT.

A bit of background - the UKPSF has submitted 2 applications since I have been involved and both were rejected - The PBUK and a paintball company have also submitted applications and these were rejected. There are various reason why these were rejected but now Sport England have "clarified" their criteria. I have exchanged emails with the Sport England (once one body accept paintball then Wales, Scotland and N Ireland will follow) and have the criteria. I feel that we should be in a position to submit another application in 18-24 months. By this time we will have meet certain criteria.

BUT and it is a BIG BUT there is one criteria we have to meet before we can even send a submission. We need 1800 members and this is not negotiable.

There is a membership push over the next 6 months by the Facebook pages, sites promoting membership as part of a walk on membership scheme, tournament organisers looking to make players members as part of a registration scheme and the scenario market encouraging membership.

I am not looking for 1800 over night (or this year) as I think it will be a slow process but we have a 2 year target

The competition, I have just checked the database to see how many current members we have - I will verify this with the Paypal system and the cash payment system by Monday - So the question is how many current members do we have?? Post your answer and the nearest will get free membership for 2 years !!

Another fact for you - In the 6 years the current database system has been running we have had a total of 2786 members.

PLEASE POST HERE http://www.facebook.com/UKPSF?fref=ts