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marker help app


#19 Blackout
Feb 22, 2012
You poor poor man...Are they not able to tech themselves? Each time i've done that with my teammates, i'll go through it with them too, so they then know for next time, and it's one less thing for me to do each week :p

As for the App, looks like it could definitely come in useful!! No point messing about finding the right iBook, just click and download. Tick Boom.
Oh I know, to be fair one of them is perfectly fine, all the others couldnt even tell you the difference between poppit and spool though -_- Let alone which they even own ahaha
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Nov 27, 2006
So overall to be honest, your whole argument against it kinda kills itself when you try to say iBooks is better because it's free. This app is free...

Oh and sorry if this came across rude, but this app is perfect for my situation and frankly your argument just didn't make sense to me ;D
I was not knocking the app itself or you using it on android, but directing my message toward the Apple generation who saw the post about an Android app and wishing it were available for the iPhone
Thanks to Apple marketing its all about buying new apps that do a small niche requirement but for something the user probably already has, and charging the user a small price so that they can tempt enough sales to cover the fees Apple have put onto the developers

Your app suits you, and its free
In my opinion you could have a lot of manuals easily with no app requirement
A missing manufacturer is less likely, but if missing you can download one yourself, and if its not available on PDF he wouldn't have been able to add it to the app on request so easily

I believe the app was written by a paintballer on the UK circuit for himself to be convenient and to meet his needs, releasing it to the public is just an added benefit. I'm certain when he first publicised it and was asked for an apple version that he said he would be willing to do so - provided those asking for it funded his apple development fees. Obviously when it was going to cost more serious money for something people had for free the £s were not forthcoming

One collection of manual PDF links:


#19 Blackout
Feb 22, 2012
I was not knocking the app itself or you using it on android, but directing my message toward the Apple generation who saw the post about an Android app and wishing it were available for the iPhone
Thanks to Apple marketing its all about buying new apps that do a small niche requirement but for something the user probably already has, and charging the user a small price so that they can tempt enough sales to cover the fees Apple have put onto the developers

Your app suits you, and its free
In my opinion you could have a lot of manuals easily with no app requirement
A missing manufacturer is less likely, but if missing you can download one yourself, and if its not available on PDF he wouldn't have been able to add it to the app on request so easily

I believe the app was written by a paintballer on the UK circuit for himself to be convenient and to meet his needs, releasing it to the public is just an added benefit. I'm certain when he first publicised it and was asked for an apple version that he said he would be willing to do so - provided those asking for it funded his apple development fees. Obviously when it was going to cost more serious money for something people had for free the £s were not forthcoming

One collection of manual PDF links:
That makes more sense. The way you had replied to me directly implicated in my mind that it was a direct sort of 'dig' at me. ;)


Nov 27, 2006
How do you open with iBook?
Get the PDF to your phone first by opening a copy on the web in Safari
If its a big PDF wait a moment for it to fully load
At the top right you should get offered 'Open in iBooks'
If not, or it disappears, then tap the PDF and 'Open in iBooks' will reappear

When it transfers to iBooks its then transferred to your phone, you can then organise your iBooks more and make categories.

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