Think you need to figure out what you want it for?
If its an Ego replacement then it sounds like the Axe cuts it pretty good.
If its somthing different that you can pull out with the EMC kit fitted and bolt a few extra bit on it then its obviously gotta be the Etha.
I always played tournament but recently I've done a few more rec and scenario days. Last one was Diamond wars where I took along my 12 year old lad who had never played before. I had a geo 3 and Ledz kindly leant him the Etha all kitted up. I have honestly never seen a gun get so much attention!
I swapped for a few games and was pretty impressed for the time I had it. Not quite as smooth as a geo, but then again it's a third the cost!
Plus even at a scenario day, good old Planet where there with a tech booth just incase there where any problems.
So I say buy what type of gun you want. If you want an Ego level gun the Axe seems pretty well thought of by the replays here. But if you do want an awesome cheap gun you can bolt stuff to, and yet still enjoy shooting it, I'd go Etha cos I've a feeling my Lads gonna be after one for crimbo