no, he wasnt supporting ramping, he was saying that the played couldnt shoot left handed to save his life, but because of electronics he was ok. This involved no skill and for that, he should have lost. Ramping made a bad player think he is good. It also makes him not bother to learn to shoot properly left handed if he knows the gun will do all the work.
He said he felt sick watching because he wanted the kid to get his ass kicked
I understood what he was saying. The point I was making was that the example could be interpreted in two ways
Was the kid really less capable just because he did not practice with his left hand, and it was noted that ramping was used to enhance his left shooting. This implies to me that he was capable with right shooting.
Perhaps the kid is not so lazy and walked away feeling he had got lucky by using his right finger to start the ramping and will concentrate on left practice
If ramping was the only thing that saved the game then how come 2 players opposing him could not use their skills and the advantage of numbers and co-operation to outnumber him. Perhaps the player to the left make the sacrifice and the player at the right taking advantage to bunker him before he swaps back.
Or the player on his left thought he had an advantage over the player and tried to bunker him but got caught out by his forethougt to use the skills he had by using a finger from his other hand
A final thought - it is assumed the player had poor skills with his left hand. Perhaps he is a Paralympic paintballer with partial use of his hand, perhaps on the way he saw a crash on the motorway and personally saved a mini bus load of toddlers, but one of them bit his hand as he dragged them to safety
Perhaps the above is bollocks, but I was offering an alternate interpretation of the example