I've had an Ego 9 and have three Creeds and I prefer the Creeds so much I sold the ego as it would never get used.
I can't explain why very well - there is someting about the Creed that makes it feel better in my hand than the Ego did, both just holding it and using it on the field. When it comes to pointing and shooting, I prefer the how the Creed feels to me (smoother, quieter and lighter). I prefer the Creed's barrel kit to the ego (the Un1tecs are brilliant) and the look of a creed.
Don't get me wrong, Ego's are awesome and the one I had performed flawlessly. I just prefer my Creeds.
However, this is just my opinion. Others will and have disagreed with it. I would suggest that you go out and try both and go with what you find that you prefer. However, if they are discontinuing manufacture of Creeds and there are non in your country, you may be better off with an Ego.