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NPF Paintfest 2012


Fb UK Big Games
Jun 5, 2012
Kettering, Northants
One of my mates (hand666) has a PC malfunction at the mo, so this is his quest.

He desperately wants, an EGrip for his Tippmann A5. For Paintfest. Before anybody says for him to check the trade stands, here is the kinda challenge. He wonders if any of you lovely peeps, have a used 1 for sale..

I know this should be put in the "wanted" area, but as he wants it for PaintFest, it seems more fitting to be put here. Obviously is too late to send so would be collection on site, and after inspection paid for in cash.

Mods I know this kinda breaks rules, but can I just say that the selling on of second hand parts, helps the less experienced get more into the game, and thus surely helps the whole sport to widen.

On the flip side, I would obviously understand if this post was removed


Feb 23, 2011
Yo me and a mate from work at a paintball site in north devon are going and its our first time :$ (hehe paintfest virgin) what team should we go? I am sooo hyped for this!!!!!!!!