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Market downturn

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
Most peoples balling is funded by their overtime, a lot of places have cut thier overtime so people don't have the money to spend on it anymore. Plus marker design has platooed over the last few years so people maybe are less inclined to change thier markers as often.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Guys please don't view this as a whining/complaining thread, more observational. Yes I have a marker for sale, no I didn't over pay for it.

The recent sales is what drove me to this which include:
Ego 10 - £250 sold
MacDev Clone - £200 for sale
Dye NT11 - £340 sold
TM15 - £170 sold
Dye NT10 - £230 sold

These are just a few examples but you see it often enough, "so and so sold the same gun for half your price, so that's my offer". While some sellers hold out, it pressures others to reduce their price.
This comment from Gee Tee is probably the most accurate one:
More items for sale and lack of demand makes it a buyers market. Lack of confidence in economy so people want to hold onto their cash, which has badly effected the new and secondhand retail prices.

It is a buyers market, all depends how desperate the seller is though ;)

It's affecting classifieds sections in all manner of hobbies too.
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UWE Paintball Society
Oct 11, 2011
Being the guy that has just brought that ego10 for £250, I know massivly I payed under the odds I should have payed £100-150 more than i did.I agree the recession is causing most of this people just dont have the money, So consumerisum is hit hard. Most of the cheaper markers on here will be driven with by the need for people to make quick money. With the Ego10 the price it was just sold for is considering I am asuming the seller wanted a quick sale. Him having brought it for £70 more in Feb this year on this forum, which was cheap as it was! and that price was the sellers wanted price as well.

I also tend to agree that the slowdown in technologic gain. Prior to the Ego10 I owned an Etek1 and have regualy used a housemates Ego7. The diffrence between the Etek and Ego's is huge! However I personally thus far the only major diffrence Ive noticed is the slight weight loss and and bigger screen that the Ego10 has over the 07. I personally could have quite happly brought an 07 and more than likely played with it for the rest of the time Im balling.

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
Most peoples balling is funded by their overtime, a lot of places have cut thier overtime so people don't have the money to spend on it anymore. Plus marker design has platooed over the last few years so people maybe are less inclined to change thier markers as often.
How many 14-15 year olds do you know that work overtime? o_O
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Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
I wish I got overtime... Mind you I do work 56 hours weeks with every other night on call and every 1 in 3 weekends on call.

Jim Jam

Dusty's #1 Fan!
Jan 4, 2012
Horsham, West Sussex
How many 14-15 year olds do you know that work overtime? o_O
Well im 16 and i work some extra hours can't class it as 'overtime' exactly, depends when they want me but this helps me pay for more equipment, guns, pod packs, hoppers etc. I wish i had more money to spend but haven't so if i seen a Etek 3 for £250 i will try knock them down to a price that i can afford, if they don't budge then they lose a sale. When i sell something i normaly just want rid of the stuff so if somone offers for it (within reason) i normaly accept it and i see this as a case with the above mentioned Ego 10 that sold for £250, the seller wanted the money and not to wait for somone willing to pay a higher price tag for it so they put it for cheap. Most sellers want rid of their stuff to make money and a bit of room for newer stuff, e.g. a new marker or hopper.

This is all my two cents worth. :)

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
Times have changed.

I started playing at 23 in 1987 when it was very rare to see anyone under 19 or 20 in the game

Paintball was a very expensive game then.. so a full time income was a must to be able to afford it
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The Moose God
Dec 19, 2004
Batley, Near Leeds
My idea on it was that markers were selling really well around December/January when the new season was going to kick off soon... people had a kinda break over winter to 'replenish' their funds.
So people paid more for stuff they wanted.

Now we are into the season; people are spending loads on practice and games and dont have much for other markers, unless it is a bargain.


"Acta Non Verba" - London Fearless Massive
Apr 19, 2005
Brentwood, Essex
The problem is some people sell there stuff far to cheap and it has a knock on effect ie. if some sells an ego 10 for £200 , and you try and sell yours for say £400 you will always get the comments " one sold here for £200 quid so threre only worth £200 quid now"
I must agree....and I'm guilty of doing the same and making similar comments! It's not as if we have a used car guide either which would give an idea of value.