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Opinions on buying first mask e.g. price/performance etc etc (on this site)


Aug 10, 2010
Although dye can be an expensive brand, i'll give them this one, there i4's are pretty nice. There venterlation and they are compact and tight to your face. However if you want a less tight mask which is slightly cheaper go for grillz, I have heard good things about them. Personally I have E vents and I don't like them that much, but thats from my poor experience.

Hope this helps a little


Free Agent
Sep 26, 2006
These are all solid goggles that 'd happily rock, with the exception of the Protos, they are very good goggles but were so tight (i have a big head) that they gave me head aches after a whole days play
Dye i4's
Dye I3 pro's
Proto Axis Pro's
Empire Events
Jt Flex's 7's, 8's, proflexes or any of those crazy new ones


king ding a ling
Apr 8, 2007
cambridge uk
i use both i4's and vents and i prefer the i4's due to them being closer to my face so that i can get tighter to my gun and it being a lot more comfortable but saying that the vents are fantastic and so are the grills just depends on what feels best on your face.

Kevin Winter

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
Personally, hated the I4s, but then I have abig old noggin....
In my kitbag ATM are dome Events, which are my #1 choice for 90% of the time. Very comfy, people can hear your voice when you shout, and reasonable protection. I carry two lenses - clear and mirrored, for different light conditions. I also carry a pair of Proto FS, with a clear lens, mainly to change into if I have no time to clean the Events, or if the light changes and I need a clear lens in a hurry. I've also got a pair of Flexes, which are ludicrously light. Low protection, but good for very hot days or woodsball days when there's lots of running as they "breath" well.

Personally, although I might buy a secondhand mask, I would ALWAYS replace the lens with brand new.

Dr Fingers

They don't tell me nothin
Feb 1, 2009
Dunedin, New Zealand
it all depends on whats comfortable for your face shape , alot of people love the dye i4's but they are too small for my faceshape so I wear vforce grills.
Echo what Gassy has said. I've tried all the goggles you mentioned at times but have ended up using Grillz when playing because their shape suits and covers my jaw, which i4s didn't. When marshaling I wear a bright pair of JT flex 7s. Again they fit well but the lenses aren't as easy to change as the Grillz.


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
grillz are the most badass looking mask around.. nuff said!

although i do own proflexs as well because they are nice and comfy too and make a good spare mask for me :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Get your self down to a walk on or a tourney an just ask a few people if you can try them, I've had
V-force grills. Empire events x2 sly profits jt maks an now use the new i4s an love them, but loved all my other masks aswell, IMHO you just need to try them all on first an see what you think the mask is the priority of this game everything else comes afterwards, what you like an love someone else could hate
Each to there own mate
Good luck

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
V force vantage or Profiler's are really good value for money. I currently run two sets of Vantage with different lenses in (tinted or clear) as well as 2 sets of JT proflex's. Also tried Grilz (fogged to much), Dye I4's (hurt my ears - see comment below) and Flex 8's (too bulky)

I'm a glasses wearer by the way which influences my choice of mask a lot

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