I have an Axe, if you can add more.
You can offer, if you add pictures...
Rule 4.""The for sale/trade post must have an accurate description of the items, with a photograph of the items for sale/trade with your username and current date. This must be hand written and clearly displayed on a piece of paper next to the items. No "i'll add the photos later" do it the same time.
Can you please ensure that the first picture in your thread is of all the kit together. and the piece of paper with your user name and current date of the thread start is clearly shown. Hand written This means with a thick marker, and not with a ball point pen on white paper. As some shots with the flash on makes user names unreadable if we Deem that the user name is unreadable the thread will be deleted.
If there is a marker in the sale can you also ensure this has a named shot as well. due to high value items.
If you offer something in reply to a wanted advert you must still provide a picture with name and date on, the same as if you had advertised it in the for sale/trade section. This is to help prevent people selling/trading items they do not have.Or a working link must be added to a forsale thread that includes the above pics.