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Battlefield 3


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
Thanks Bolter, wasn't sure.

so unless any other users are on PS3 live thingy I dont have to worry about being absolutely owned by a forum user :D


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
the IR sight puts your killmode up! its great for Metro in the ticket station, or tehran highway, or pretty much anywhere! its great!

I rock M249, IR scope, bipod and extended mag

although for my engy class

SCAR with IR fore grip and heavy barrel

for those on PC my tag is Robeenio

one thing I have noticed is that the game REALLY favours squad work, yeah you can do a bit of lone gunman action but you don't get anywhere near the amount of points that a few guys running round together do, covering each others backs, reviving scouting etc.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
I've found that I have to really change my load-out for each map, and that if I have a couple of guys I know in the squad we really need an engineer, support and assault to be able to make any progress. The more I play this game, the more I like it. The jets seem pretty pointless - I fly moine into the ground pretty quickly. I think 30 seconds might be my record so far....

Does anyone know how to change firing mode from semi to 3-round or FA? Just got the AEK and I'm supposed to be able to switch between modes, but have no idea how.


Jul 10, 2001
Sexy South
Visit site
I've found that I have to really change my load-out for each map, and that if I have a couple of guys I know in the squad we really need an engineer, support and assault to be able to make any progress. The more I play this game, the more I like it. The jets seem pretty pointless - I fly moine into the ground pretty quickly. I think 30 seconds might be my record so far....

Does anyone know how to change firing mode from semi to 3-round or FA? Just got the AEK and I'm supposed to be able to switch between modes, but have no idea how.
V mate