CU/CI are same meanings, CU=Cubic UNITS, CI=Cubic INCHES. These relate to the internal volume of the bottle.
It does'nt matter whether you get a 4500 or 5000 psi bottle, the max a site will fill to is 4500 psi anyway, most sites fill to only 3000 psi now.
size of bottles :
48cu = 0.8 litre
68cu = 1.1 litre
88cu = 1.5 litre
It is never good practise to have a mix of different rating of reg and bottle.
Example being : bottle rated at 3000psi, reg attatched to rated at 4500 psi.
When filling the bottle yourself, you know only to fill to 3000 psi.
If a site has air fills to 4500psi, theres a very big chance you might fill the rated 3000 psi bottle with 4500 of pressure, or a friend helping you fill your bottle, or worst you sold the bottle and reg on, the next owner is not educated enough to know that he is filling a 3000 bottle to 4.5k
3k reg has a different rated HP birst disc. These are a very important safety feature of a reg, and will break/burst letting all the air/pressure out in the event you accidently filled too much air pressure than the bottle was intented to hold.
Safety always first !