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x-box or ps3 advice


Slow Moving Target
Jan 13, 2011
Whitburn, Sunderland
Both types of machines are much of a muchness for games, both have franchises that the other won't ever have and both machines have good and bad points. I personally have 5 xbox's (chipped ones, jtags and2clean for live) and 2 ps3's so I've experienced the all. My 9 year old I don't let play on xbox live purely because of all the bad language that yes you do still get on ps3 but nowheres near as much. I'm sorry I'm not going to have to mute all the players he meets all the time to ensure decency. Personally I always play ps3 as personally I prefer the feel of the controller and I also ave no online problems with them( I can play both machines online at once) xbox used to be terrible with the BT Homehubs for broadband no matter what you did to resolve it. Both machines have their faults, the original xbox red ring of death which was supposed to be fixed with the new slimmer sexy machines but again build quality on these are pretty poor ( I've had 2 since Xmas with a card fault and a drive door fault ad ad to be replaced), but I've also ad to have 2 ps3 s replaced but that's over 4 years with a serious amount of hammer. The playstation move is a wii style gimmick while konect is a brilliant bit of kit especially for the kids and some of the fitness training is pretty amazing for us adults. Xbox will also get most games updates (COD map packs etc a month early by dropping the developers the odd $2m every now and then). But the ps3 gives yo bluray and 1080i graphics instead of the 720i on the xbox.
If you intend to play some then I would go ps3 if it's 80% your 9 year old I'd go xbox with the konect.
Sorry about the ranting style, was typing as I thought of it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2008
I say Xbox but its only coz most of my mates have a xbox. I have had both but went to to a xbox :)


May 27, 2010
If i had to pick one i'd go for the ps3, its repaced the dvd player in terms of use as a dvd player, it will play a lot more "downloaded" movies on a usb hdd. xbox is a bit fussy! now if you stream from laptop pc to xbox its not to bad.
I tend to use the ps3 in the lounge as a multimedia centre, and my xbox for blackops etc!


Active Member
Sep 19, 2003
Visit site
I own both and my ps3 is now just an expensive paperweight. Playing maybe the odd blu ray and the media center is rubbish.

in a nutshell, the xbox 360 is the one to go for. Ok so you pay for online but no one has mentioned how playstation network was offline due to hackers for a month. £40 is what you will pay tops if you go to tesco/ play.com its around £35 and its a small price to pay knowing that my card details and so on are safe. Considering the reason we get consoles now is to play online, not being able to for a month makes the console pretty worthless. Wow so its free but dont offer a free service if you cannot moderate it/ even work.

And one major problem...........lag ! Its prob the most annoying thing online and with ps3 its terrible. Not saying xbox doesnt have none but seriously its so bad on the ps3.

To sum it up when people are saying, oh it has blu ray, why is it that people only seem to mention?? Its a gaming console so why should that sell it to you. Alot of fanboys still follow the ps3 even thou the blue ray sells it lol says alot about its gaming. Like even metal gear solid is coming to both formats :O

Xbox360 have gears of war 3 coming out this year and that alone is worth it. Truely and beautiful game :D

And please dont even entertain playstation move ! loooool FAIL

I could go in to deeper things but to sum it up

Xbox360 : Great online experience ! Great exclusive games ! Kinect ! Cheaper to buy ! Gears of war 3 :D and great customer care !
PS3 : blu ray *sighs* ok media center, free online (when is works) good paper weight ! loool


Active Member
Dec 14, 2010
Here goes nothing, i will not give you my opinion, just the facts :) well nearly

I would go ps3 to answer the few skeptics out their, the first big point is the hack thing, first time in god knows how many years, and all forget the major xbox hack a few years back, both are the same, if mr hacker wants your info their is nothing microsoft or sony can do to stop them....FACT.

But pound for pound, you get more for your money with a ps3, not just the advantage of blue ray and dam good one too, all the other stuff people have mentioned.

The selling point for me is, once you bought your ps3, thats it, everyone has mentioned the online charge, but also you have to remeber the other bits and bobs, like the cables that are xbox exclusive :( i also believe their are some games that need a special cable to run them, a few of my mates were moaning about buying a game for 40 quid, and it saying you need a certain cable that was £25, which then had a nice little plastic bit to stop your hdmi cable, which means they need to mess around changing cables.

Ans also company are starting to make games on each platform :) like battlefield 3, not to bore you but in the past they were desined for xbox and then ported to pc and ps3, as the xbox can not run anything liek the graphics and bits the ps3 can.

You will now get people saying, xbox has better graphics and such, but they will have because the games are made for them :rolleyes:

the new games being released are building for the console, this is where you will see the difference.

i would go ps3 everyday and twice on sunday :D

all in all mate, the xbox does have a better online connection, but the ps3 has more power, is faster and can do everything from streaming from comp, to being a music centre, dvd, blue ray player, storage device.

you did forget to mention probably the most stunning visial game to be realeased in years God of War 3 ;)

B 2the eano

Active Member
Mar 19, 2011
At the end of the day Gassy, it's what you prefer. Don't go by what everyone else says, try it for yourself. Do you have friends/family members with these consoles? If you do, ask to borrow them for a couple of nights with a selection of games and see which you prefer.

Then make your decision :)


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I own both and my ps3 is now just an expensive paperweight. Playing maybe the odd blu ray and the media center is rubbish.

in a nutshell, the xbox 360 is the one to go for. Ok so you pay for online but no one has mentioned how playstation network was offline due to hackers for a month. £40 is what you will pay tops if you go to tesco/ play.com its around £35 and its a small price to pay knowing that my card details and so on are safe. Considering the reason we get consoles now is to play online, not being able to for a month makes the console pretty worthless. Wow so its free but dont offer a free service if you cannot moderate it/ even work.

And one major problem...........lag ! Its prob the most annoying thing online and with ps3 its terrible. Not saying xbox doesnt have none but seriously its so bad on the ps3.

To sum it up when people are saying, oh it has blu ray, why is it that people only seem to mention?? Its a gaming console so why should that sell it to you. Alot of fanboys still follow the ps3 even thou the blue ray sells it lol says alot about its gaming. Like even metal gear solid is coming to both formats :O

Xbox360 have gears of war 3 coming out this year and that alone is worth it. Truely and beautiful game :D

And please dont even entertain playstation move ! loooool FAIL

I could go in to deeper things but to sum it up

Xbox360 : Great online experience ! Great exclusive games ! Kinect ! Cheaper to buy ! Gears of war 3 :D and great customer care !
PS3 : blu ray *sighs* ok media center, free online (when is works) good paper weight ! loool
It's for a 9year old. I doubt he is going to play online all that much, never mind GOW3.

And Kinect? Puuuh-lease. I'm sure it's great if you wanna roll around on your living room floor pretending to be a tiger.