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price guide please


Active Member
hi guys,

i've been offered a couple of makers and wanted an idea of what to be paying for them as i dont want to be ripped of as i'm new to paintballing,

first up is an angel IR3
next is an impulse
and an wpd autococker system-x ? this could wrong

thanks for any help


All are old markers so you need to decide what you want out of paintball,do you want to play walkons at your local site or do you want to play tournies.

If your answer is the 1st and you have a tiny budget those markers will get you started,if you want to do the 2nd you need something that can be capped to todays events fire rates.

If you have a reasonable budget then buy something newer

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
I know where you've seen these, I've seen them too.

IR3 - £50 - £80 but I think he says its broke in the ad.
Impulse - £50 -£80
System X cocker - £70 - £100

only guesses mind.

I'd avoid them all if new to paintball, I've been told the IR3's are hard to work on, Imp's are nice but heavy and use a lot of air and cockers are fantastic guns but a bit complicated for someone new to them.


Active Member
Thanks guys, i've use cockers before as i had Rats trilogy a few weeks ago and do like it but was a little on the heavy side, so sold that to my mate last night so need another asap lol i'm looking at the angel 05 now, i plan to do a bit of both woods-ball and maybe some tournies but the getting a bit old and slow so not sure about tournies yet, did go trainning at the weekend with some lads that do tournies, i did manage to hold my own but it was hard work being so unfit, but i was thinking of having these 3 just as back up/makers for mates to use,and to learn more about them,

thanks for the advise guys
