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gassy please read:


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
So i lose £50 on something either RM do or himself?
it couldnt have been much of a problem if he went and spent that £50?
Not being funny but i just lost £50 over nothing?..
if you want a second opinion from where i'm standing if it was sent with faults you knew about but didn't show these when advertising then its clear that you have misrepresented the product and so a partial refund was probably in order (the amount of course being at your discretion). personally from what i understand this would not be worth £50 but that is your decision.

alternatively, if the damage was caused by royal mail, if you sent this properly insured (e.g. special delivery) then it is the recipent's responsibility to raise a dispute with royal mail (and not the sender if i'm correct?) and seek compensation from them and not the sender.

bottom line is that now the best you can do is try and raise the point with your buyer and hope that you can reach an agreement to remedy this. obviously it would appear the buyer has some screwed up morals for taking this money from you but at the same time you should not have given him a refund so easily.


Plat Member - Samurai!
Oct 24, 2010
Cardiff, Wales
Cheers bro!
I sent a refund to keep things cool with everything, but for him to backstab me and blatently lie and get away with it is ****ing pathetic.
I'm going to RM tomorrow and telling them that i put insureance on the marker and still turned up faulty (Whatever they want to know)

PLUS pictures in my "for sale thread" clearly show that there are no marks appart from what ive taken close ups on. This being only one mark was found as i put it up on a thread.
I then give it a quick clean up before i send it and make sure there was no problems, no not of my looking there wernt. I admit to one mistake which is the button thing is missing as its in my bin right now.
I will assume RM will say its not there fault and wont prove it, but someone needs to give me my £50 back as this is unfair...


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Cheers bro!
I sent a refund to keep things cool with everything, but for him to backstab me and blatently lie and get away with it is ****ing pathetic.
I'm going to RM tomorrow and telling them that i put insureance on the marker and still turned up faulty (Whatever they want to know)

PLUS pictures in my "for sale thread" clearly show that there are no marks appart from what ive taken close ups on. This being only one mark was found as i put it up on a thread.
I then give it a quick clean up before i send it and make sure there was no problems, no not of my looking there wernt. I admit to one mistake which is the button thing is missing as its in my bin right now.
I will assume RM will say its not there fault and wont prove it, but someone needs to give me my £50 back as this is unfair...
in that case if you are confident the marker wasn't damaged as described before posting then it is clearly royal mail or the buyer's mishandling that caused it. so although you sent it to 'keep things cool' it was the buyer's job to go to royal mail and get compensation from them and you should not have paid anything to the buyer. again, the buyer has some messed up morals but i hate to say, it is your own fault for paying the buyer for damage you didn't cause.

of course i wish you all the best with trying to get royal mail to rectify this but let it be a hard lesson learned not to just keep people happy at your expense.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Zebra, this ends here NOW !!

You know the risks involved in dealing with people you don't know and handing over goods to delivery companies, neither of whom are we responsible for .. we provide the framework here for you guys to trade, we cannot vet every single person for every single trade, now, stop bleating at my mods ... if you got dicked, it was NOTHING to do with the integirty of my site or the integrity of my mods and so it ends NOW .. I don't want you even posting confirmation of this, just leave it alone. We've all had enough of this.