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To whom [promoter] it may concern ...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
The question i asked was

How can forum users discuss events that have not been paid for on this site?

It maybe that the details are not out about the event or the organiser does not want to pay for advertising. Wouldn't it be time consuming to check all the posts made if you allow people to post about such events?

Thats all i was trying to say, i didn't want to sound like a knob or anything.
Ob, for some reason, and I don't know really know why, you haven't accepted that saying you only wanna talk about an event and posting a full blown ad as you did doesn't contradict .. you seem oblivious to this ....

And as for your question regarding talking about events that haven't been paid for???
Where the hell have I stated you can't do that????

Lots of people on here talk about events that haven't been paid for ... it's just that all of them can talk about these events WITHOUT posting a full blown ad like you did ...

And as for not wanting to sound like a knob?

Well, stop writing things that suggest you are .. you are saying things that just don't make sense .. they really don't.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
that to me is a blatant advertisement for the paintball site.
Wiz, it is mate and yet this Ob guy seems to think posts like that come up in normal conversation between people who wish to attend these type events .. I think this Ob guy is either a bare-faced liar or a complete idiot .. it's a toss up ..:rolleyes:


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England

I have to agree with the others that is a full on advert. if you were discussing it you would have wrote something like:

I am going to (enter name of site) for a day of paintball, who else will be there? It looks like it is gonna be a toptastic day in the woods/ on the field. Perhaps it may be your age or niaivity? (Don't know you well enough to decide) but you seem to be missing the point, your post that Gassy is showing is more of an advert than you seem to realise.

Think before you type bud, it saves upsetting people or worse getting hit by Gassy's banning stick!!!


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Lol not read this for a while

Correct you did delete that thread. I also said sorry as i didn't know the new rules. I also told you that I had been away for a while (due to work and family commitments) and came back and posted that without looking (yes i made a mistake). As you can also read at the bottom of the post that was a site i use to go to all the time and just advertised it to get more people to it for me to shoot at (you can also call them if you do not believe me)

As i have said before to robbo i now work for a site and no longer go to the site above due to low funds (my wife is a full time mother now and we have another baby on the way). I have also told robbo as soon as our site can support walkon's\training days we will be paying for advertising.

The thread in question was for an upcoming event that timboy organises (which he has not released information about yet) and i want to go to it again this year as it was amazing last year (i have pics as proof if needed).

I think this whole thread is getting mixed up and i'm getting the blame for the mix up.

1. Yes i did post the below message before reading the new rules and Gassy deleted it.
2. I no longer go to the below site due to cost.
3. I now work at a site that has nothing what so ever to do with the below site.
4. The thread in question which got deleted by Robbo was to do with a big game and not a walkon as i can no longer afford to go to walk ons.

I don't know what else to say as acording to you lot i'm trying to scam you all to get free advertising (for god sake do you think i would go through all this just to get £20 off? really?)

And before you kick off no i do not know timboy in anyway and you can call him question him and take him for a polygraph if he lets you.

Robbo and Gassy if you would like the name of the new site i work for pm me and i'll tell you. You can also call them to confim if you like (i also have a work team pic as proof i can send you that too). If anyone else pm's me i'll ignore them.

This is from your thread,I have removed the site name.Should we add a poll to see who thinks this is a discussion about an event or an advert for the event ?


Very friendly staff who know what they’re talking about as they also own paintball direct. They allow you to choose the rules and games you want to play on the day.

Game zones include
Grave Yard
and more

£45 with 2000 balls (Proto and other makes available)

Hot dog and bag of crisps
Tea and coffee
2 x 3000psi and 1 x 4500psi fill stations
2 x marker testing zones to fix issues
Shop (sells everything from goggles and markers to sweets)

Starts at 9:30 till 4ish


I am not the owner or have anything to do with the running of the site. If you have any questions please ring ....................................


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Ob, I didn't think you were the direct beneficiary of this 'advertising' but it did look kinda fishy in that you may have been put up to it by someone else ... and they woulda been the direct beneficiary.

It doesn't matter really but you gotta concede, your post wasn't a normal post asking questions about an event, it was a copy of a full blown ad .. you must concede that mate and let's all move on ..

And just to make matters clear one last time, I have zero problem with anybody talking about any event whether that event is advertised on here [officially] or not .... but if people wanna take the piss and cloak their advertising in 'normal' looking posts, then I'll ban them straight away.


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
You never did answer my question that i keep asking tho

How can we discuss events that have not been paid for by the host of the event? Do we just not discuss them? As there very hard to moderate?

Thats all i wanted to know from the begining