Anyone else had it/fixed it?
So friday evening, im kicking ass on Black ops, and the ps3 just turns itself off. Try to turn it on, and i get 3 beeps, a faint yellow light and then a permanant red.
Its a BC 60 gig version, one of the first, as i had to have the BC and Card reader.
I let it cool down after reading its a hot issue. Nothing. So i heat up as i hear that you need to do 'the hairdryer trick' on it. then let it cool down, nope nothing. (supposedly melts the solder on the mother board, as its cheap as chips stuff, and sorts it out)
I called sony who explained that its a general hardware failure and as over 90 days old they can take it, but charge me, and send me a refurbished model. - No, your ok sony im just going buy a new one, as i don't want a palm off that was probably a YLOD that they have fixed and then sent to me.
Did you also know you can only use your psn name on 5 ps3's then thats it, you have to start over? You also only have 1 video log in too, and once you have used that, if you get the YLOD your fooked. no more video from purchases on the playstation store.
So i took my £400 paperweight apart, and got my disc out of the bluray player, and ordered a new 320 Gig Slim.
Bit pissed off really, as i didnt even know it existed until it happened to me - so keep an eye out guys, clean your consoles inside and out, keep them free of dust, as they think that this is a factor. - not the only one but it will help.
So friday evening, im kicking ass on Black ops, and the ps3 just turns itself off. Try to turn it on, and i get 3 beeps, a faint yellow light and then a permanant red.
Its a BC 60 gig version, one of the first, as i had to have the BC and Card reader.
I let it cool down after reading its a hot issue. Nothing. So i heat up as i hear that you need to do 'the hairdryer trick' on it. then let it cool down, nope nothing. (supposedly melts the solder on the mother board, as its cheap as chips stuff, and sorts it out)
I called sony who explained that its a general hardware failure and as over 90 days old they can take it, but charge me, and send me a refurbished model. - No, your ok sony im just going buy a new one, as i don't want a palm off that was probably a YLOD that they have fixed and then sent to me.
Did you also know you can only use your psn name on 5 ps3's then thats it, you have to start over? You also only have 1 video log in too, and once you have used that, if you get the YLOD your fooked. no more video from purchases on the playstation store.
So i took my £400 paperweight apart, and got my disc out of the bluray player, and ordered a new 320 Gig Slim.
Bit pissed off really, as i didnt even know it existed until it happened to me - so keep an eye out guys, clean your consoles inside and out, keep them free of dust, as they think that this is a factor. - not the only one but it will help.