Just a quick heads up to remind all those who are looking to get a CtDIII ticket later today.
We'll start answering the phones at 12noon GMT today. It'll be first come first served.
When we answer the phone, if we appear brisk or unwilling to get into any meaningful conversation - it'll be because we're fielding calls from all over the world and need to crack on and make each booking as short as possible.
If you are calling from within the UK you need to call 07974 284 152
If you are calling from outside of the UK, please dial 0044 1970 626 618
When you call, please have the following information ready:
1) You full name (as it appears on your passport)
2) Your Date of Birth
3) Your country of origin
4) Your UK Scenario Forum name - if you have one. If you do not yet have one, please register and inform us of your user name as soon as possible.
5) Your credit/debit card details
6) Your email address
7) Contact phone number - You need to be available on this number for 1 hour after you have booked in so that we can call you back if there is any problem processing your payment. If we are unable to process your payment and you are not contactable on the number you give us, then your booking will be deleted and your ticket(s) returned back into the public ticket pot.
8 ) If you are booking in as part of a group or team, please tell us so that we can try and keep you on the same side as your mates. Whilst we'll decide which side you are on, we will where possible try and keep friends and team mates together - but you'll need to tell us.
Within 24 hours, you'll receive an email confirming your booking.
If your are purchasing multiple tickets, we'll need the above information for each of the tickets that you are buying.
When you call, the lines may well be busy and give you an engaged tone. You are advised to simply keep on redialling until you get through. We'll process each call as quickly as possible, but perseverance maybe the key.
After tickets close and you receive your confirmation, things will go quiet for about 1 week after which we'll then start to send you all the info that you'll need for this event.
Cheers and good luck!
Just a quick heads up to remind all those who are looking to get a CtDIII ticket later today.
We'll start answering the phones at 12noon GMT today. It'll be first come first served.
When we answer the phone, if we appear brisk or unwilling to get into any meaningful conversation - it'll be because we're fielding calls from all over the world and need to crack on and make each booking as short as possible.
If you are calling from within the UK you need to call 07974 284 152
If you are calling from outside of the UK, please dial 0044 1970 626 618
When you call, please have the following information ready:
1) You full name (as it appears on your passport)
2) Your Date of Birth
3) Your country of origin
4) Your UK Scenario Forum name - if you have one. If you do not yet have one, please register and inform us of your user name as soon as possible.
5) Your credit/debit card details
6) Your email address
7) Contact phone number - You need to be available on this number for 1 hour after you have booked in so that we can call you back if there is any problem processing your payment. If we are unable to process your payment and you are not contactable on the number you give us, then your booking will be deleted and your ticket(s) returned back into the public ticket pot.
8 ) If you are booking in as part of a group or team, please tell us so that we can try and keep you on the same side as your mates. Whilst we'll decide which side you are on, we will where possible try and keep friends and team mates together - but you'll need to tell us.
Within 24 hours, you'll receive an email confirming your booking.
If your are purchasing multiple tickets, we'll need the above information for each of the tickets that you are buying.
When you call, the lines may well be busy and give you an engaged tone. You are advised to simply keep on redialling until you get through. We'll process each call as quickly as possible, but perseverance maybe the key.
After tickets close and you receive your confirmation, things will go quiet for about 1 week after which we'll then start to send you all the info that you'll need for this event.
Cheers and good luck!