Picture for Mods
DM8 for Sale
- Black
- Back up for sale as buyer was not willing to continue repairing/adding to it, and was thus returned and refunded. A new trigger and board have been fitted which got it working, but it seems the eyes is the last remaining problem, so could do with replacing
- There is tiny leak coming front reg, but it is miniscule and does not affect how it functions, I barely notice it
- It needs a macroline fitting, the old one was very bent and mishapen affecting airflow so was removed
- Few nicks and scratches which you can see in the pictures (one near the feedneck near the front of the gat, and one just above the LPR)
- Does not come with an eyepipe or detents, but these can be picked up for relatively small fee
- The buttons on the back of the grip are a bit sticky, they do work, but again, these can be replaced for cheapish if it becomes a problem
- Wouldnt hurt to give it a service, DYE will do this for free at any event, and possibly if sent to them (if my memory serves)
Considering all of the above I have reduced the price further to £130to allow any replacement parts to be funded easier for the buyer (pictures of the new trigger coming soon). But even so this is a STEAL!
Picture for Mods
DM8 for Sale
- Black
- Back up for sale as buyer was not willing to continue repairing/adding to it, and was thus returned and refunded. A new trigger and board have been fitted which got it working, but it seems the eyes is the last remaining problem, so could do with replacing
- There is tiny leak coming front reg, but it is miniscule and does not affect how it functions, I barely notice it
- It needs a macroline fitting, the old one was very bent and mishapen affecting airflow so was removed
- Few nicks and scratches which you can see in the pictures (one near the feedneck near the front of the gat, and one just above the LPR)
- Does not come with an eyepipe or detents, but these can be picked up for relatively small fee
- The buttons on the back of the grip are a bit sticky, they do work, but again, these can be replaced for cheapish if it becomes a problem
- Wouldnt hurt to give it a service, DYE will do this for free at any event, and possibly if sent to them (if my memory serves)
Considering all of the above I have reduced the price further to £130to allow any replacement parts to be funded easier for the buyer (pictures of the new trigger coming soon). But even so this is a STEAL!