Every time I think this thread is heading for final closure, breakwell comes up with some gem of an email or facebook posting that throws it all up in the air again .. this of course then starts to resemble something of a witch-hunt but the truth of the matter is, breakwell keeps fueling his own demise and this post from myself is no exception.
I previously advised breakwell of the poll and I took great pleasure in keeping him updated with how the voting was coming along ... I mean, I'm sure he must have been interested.
Anyways, I basically told him it looked as though it was gonna be a permanent ban and you might think in the light of such a ban you'd be maybe a tad contrite but not our breakwell, oh noooo, he comes back at me with this sparkling example of literary tragedy ... a true masterpiece of denial, here it is :-
the gun arrived, yes it was late, but thats down to royal mail, as on the news, newspapers, and internet, royal mail, had a big backlog of parcels, and letters from christmas, therefore caused delays, i done my part and sent the gun off, in the condition mark duffy KNEW it was in,
after then gun arrived, which you knew about, you still demanded the money, did i pay you it YES, so im 120 pound down, even tho i done everything write, sent the gun off, stated the condition of the gun, took a picture of the reciept,
and as for my attitude, look at it from my point of view, if you sent a gun off, and had some bloke threatening you, and your name splattered all oover the net as a fraudster, when you SENT the gun off, you did your bit of the sale, but still was known as a fraudster ect, all over the net, i bet you would be pretty pissed, i done everything to the book with the gun i sold, mark duffy underpaid me as a fact,
and to be finally banned from paintball, when i did nothing wrong, that would piss anyone off, i sold the gun, i stated the condition of the gun, i sent the gun off at the right time, i even paid you the money, but yet im still banned from everywere, all i do is rugby and paintball, ive been named as every word possible to p8ntballer, everyone who playes pa8ntball thinks im a fraud, so do you really think i wouldnt be pissed off, ?
i still dont understand why youve banned, me but i really cant be arsed to drag this futher, ive got A level exams comming up, ive had personal issues, and family issues, and really dont need a email every hour from you saying this and that, so do whatever you want,
The fact he's moaned I have sent him emails is rather ironic seeing as he kept pestering me to lift the ban and when I didn't respond to him, he would email me to give him an answer ... still, that's the least of the ironies in this thread ...
I love the bit about where I have emboldened .... in fuhkin credible ...