MSHell, when we first crossed swords, I genuinely did not realise you were female, if I had, my responses would have been different but I realise you wouldn't have wanted that.
I suppose I should always treat people the same regardless of gender but there is no way I would have spoken to you like I did if I had known ... I would have been less confrontational and more polite ...when I did realise, I kinda regretted it but hey ... I don't regret the need for me to treat genders differently even though it might be deemed sexist.
Anyway, as for our resident moron breakwell?
I did hear you frightened the mshell outa him which kinda made me smile but I have to say didn't really surprise me.
People like breakwell are sociopaths, I didn't think he was at first because my initial bar-room diagnosis marked his card as just plain stooopid but as time has gone on, it's obvious breakwell exhibits a lot of the symptoms of a sociopath.
He is unable to empathise with others as you suggest and just to ram this point home a little more as to the sort of person we are dealing with here, and wondering what could possibly be the reasons why this dumb-fuhk does what he does .. here are some symptoms that tend to categorise a sociopath, and after reading them, I think you'll agree breakwell seems a prime candidate :-
Interpersonal traits
• Glib and superficial
• Egocentric and grandiose
• Lack of remorse or guilt
• Lack of empathy
• Deceitful and manipulative
• Shallow emotions
Antisocial lifestyle
• Impulsive
• Poor behaviour controls
• Need for excitement
• Lack of responsibility
• Adult antisocial behaviour
• Unable to see the complete picture
As I considered each and every one of those possible symptoms listed above it became obvious to me using my incredible deductive powers and my expansive reading of psychology that I could now correctly diagnose breakwell as a fuhking nut-job ..
And as such, the normal lines of language communication that included rational arguments for not doing what he's doing just don't work on him and never can ... there is only one language that will ever work on breakwell and even that won't ever change him but it might deter him .... the language of violence is the only candidate I can think of that gets through to people like breakwell ... nobody likes being hurt, and people tend to really not like being really hurt and so they go to quite uncharacteristic lengths to avoid high levels of pain and injury .... even sociopaths ain't that stoopid as to invite serious injury .. well that's I suppose contingent upon the fact he isn't a masochistic sociopath that likes pain, in which case, I think there'd be a queue a mile long of paintballers to help satisfy his need for pain ....
Let's face it guys, we are dealing with a sick young man who needs rapid medical intervention ... something like being hit over the head with a fuhking bed-pan is the sort of medical intervention I'm advising here.
breakwell will struggle all his life to fit in because he can't seem to work out what he's doing wrong and when situations like this happen, he tends to blame it on others because he can't see any blame in himself.