Have I missed something? No - one has said where paintball should go? How can you ask if paintball is going in the right direction if you have no idea where you want it to go? What the fu(k are you guys chasing?
ALL is see is "seven man this, five man that, expensive, expensive" I dont see any answers on the direction paintball should go.
I tell you what as well, it was more expensive back when I started than it is now. A tourney gun and air system for what £300? A case of decent paint for £25? I was 13 when i started. I paid for everything myself. I didn't get anything free and yet i still made every practice, every tourney I committed myself to. No doubt i had help (from two men in particular) getting around, and advice, and mentoring. But why do people continue to imagine they deserve anything? You are nobody. Nobody looks up to you, except (if you're lucky) those around you. Get real.
I tell you the direction paintball should go. The exact same one it's been on for the past ten years. Those who run the big series dictating what everyone else does. Players don't have a clue whats good for them and when someone tries to help them out, not one can be bothered to join in and make a difference. None of you deserve to have a say in the direction paintball is going. Tourney paintball is declining...Boo hoo. Cry me a river. You people are the reason it's declining. Not it being too expensive. Not because it doesn't offer 'value'. Because most of you can't (or won't) commit.