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I just fell off my bike....


Southern Pirates
I got run over a week ago, 200 yards from my house. I made sure everyone saw the nice bloody gashes in my leg, and the scrapes and bruises on my chest from my brake lever scraping across my ribs :D Share the pain Cook$ your guest will love it :D

But yeah don't mention that you were daft and didn't wear a helmet. (Hmm reminds me I must take my cracked helmet from my bike accident 3 weeks ago to Evans for them to show customers why they should wear a helmet......saved me having a cracked skull) ;)


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
So, I'd had a few drinks an was heading home ( you know how you cycle a bit faster when you've been drinkin) an I look at my clock. it says 22mph. Then I look at the road. It says STFU. I clip the pavement an bounce. I try to regain, I hit the pavement agian.My clock says "Hurr you goan down". I go over the bars. I bounce. I bounce. I lie there thinking "........................................no wait, I fell off my bike....................................................................................I can hear cars, why is no one coming to help me....................................................... I sit up. No, here they are. Some kindly soul has stopped. He says "**** dude, are you OK? " I say Yeah I think so. " Wow, you flipped big time, that **** was ****in nasty" I say Yeah I thnk so..... I get up... and he gets In his car. " I say Yeah I think so. " and I ride off. I get Home. My Mrs says " you OK?" I say"I think so". With twisted handlebars. I sit in the showers for 20 mins, tryin to was the incriminating evidence away. I think I may have a concussion.

3L1TE hax

Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2009
Cook are you still drunk? your clock is telling you your speed and your state of balance...

and from over here it looked like you were going 40, and i think you did a double front flip...

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
So, I'd had a few drinks an was heading home ( you know how you cycle a bit faster when you've been drinkin) an I look at my clock. it says 22mph. Then I look at the road. It says STFU. I clip the pavement an bounce. I try to regain, I hit the pavement agian.My clock says "Hurr you goan down". I go over the bars. I bounce. I bounce. I lie there thinking "........................................no wait, I fell off my bike....................................................................................I can hear cars, why is no one coming to help me....................................................... I sit up. No, here they are. Some kindly soul has stopped. He says "**** dude, are you OK? " I say Yeah I think so. " Wow, you flipped big time, that **** was ****in nasty" I say Yeah I thnk so..... I get up... and he gets In his car. " I say Yeah I think so. " and I ride off. I get Home. My Mrs says " you OK?" I say"I think so". With twisted handlebars. I sit in the showers for 20 mins, tryin to was the incriminating evidence away. I think I may have a concussion.
It can be a bitch when your stabilisers come adrift

Nyloc nuts FTW