Hi there, welcome to the world of paintball, i hope you don't mind but as everyone is posting offers for you i though i'd try stear it in the right direction for you. What are you wishing to play?? sup air or woods ball, are you looking for a scenario marker which looks realistic or would you prefer a tourney marker which performs. If your looking into sup air your best bet would be to get yourself down to one of the many brilliant training sites throught the UK and have a word with a couple of the players. Most people will be more than happy to give you a go of their gat, and hopefully you might be able to join in a few training sessions. Most teams have some sort of sponsorship going on or know someone with a cheap marker for sale.Looking to spend around £250 to £400 roughly on my first marker. Or maybe even a bit more on a package. Not sure yet. Would appreciate any advice or decent starter markers deals to be sent to me. Thanks in advance.