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Marker and bottle upto £425 to spend

All sorted now thanks guys, Mods feel free to delete :)

Right then guys and girls, my mask is getting dusted off and my arse is getting back in a field and playing badlly.....like always. Thats besides the point though, the main problem is, well I need a marker thats where you lot come in :)

I am after both a marker and bottle (together or seperate). I do not need a barrel as I have a cocker threaded lucky barrel kit still. Dont need a hopper but one thrown in will only sweeten a deal.

I am willing to look into any marker, be it angel, pm, dm, shocker anything that gets posted up but I would prefer an 07 Ego, but I know not many are kicking around so looks like 08 is a better target (09 is getting too expensive)

If I get a few offers my preferences will go to bottles with a longer test left (2 years +), cocker threaded markers and price.

Thats it really, thanks for looking



one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
Have alook at my regency crome 2 mate in the forsale board maybe a little too much for you but its unused and they shoot amazing.Ask Lump or Nitroball about them.
sure does, and can include a 5 year tested bottle

All those that have pm'ed me regarding how i like the Chrome 2, well...

Out the Box, style is nice and sleek, just a tad heavier than my Ego 74 and NT, quality CP bits.
Once i managed to grab some air into my bottle, i shot a hopper in the back yard, very impressed how quiet , very quiet. Smoothness , i would say on par with Luxe, could barely feel any recoil whatsoever.
Trigger is amazingly light but still have the snappy feel. Very easy to adjust if needed, but mine was perfectly setup out the box.
Rotor sat fine on the feedneck easy to adjust.
Although the barrel performed well, i was never fond of its looks. Being cocker threaded, i have a few barrels that will fit.
Settings on the board was easy enough, and have plenty of settings to play with if you wish so.
Maintenance is a breeze, degas, push button on back of marker, out comes the engine, dow33 on a few orings and your done.

As ive not had much time to play as late, i lent this brand new marker out to someone to play with over the weekend.
Performance wise, shots were very inconsistent at first, but was expected as it being a new marker. Gradually got much better as the day went by.
Efficiency : 1.1 filled to a touch over 3k , shot a rotor(190 ish ?) and 4 pots(140's), bottle had just under 1k fill left. Not sure what paint to bore was, but he/she was shooting 290-295fps.

I have yet to test those figures for myself, but the source above is pretty reliable :) we will see when i get the chance to start playing again next month.

The only snag i have is the manual could have been slightly better, maybe they could could a better version online for those that are not technically minded.
Stock dwell settings should be at 16ms, manually tells wrong saying only 8ms. Manual also doesnt say how to put board into tourney lock, but i believe Madtoxic has already emailed the manufacturers and have quoted dip switch 2.
Can throw in a steelie with test until end of year if you like for free :) Will post up pics if you are interested
As much as its tempting, would need a decent air system included so sorry I cant stretch that far

Tempting but I'll pass thanks

I'll let know know when I get more offers hopefully

Thanks alll
