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An interesting fact about yourself......


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Wow... Those are some serious questions. I think you are on to something though, but at the same time, could it be, that deep down, a man that in a less "civilised" era would without question be one of the tribe's warriors, simply just enjoys measuring himself (ooh er) against others? I mean, why on Earth would you willingly and with a smile on your face step into a boxing ring? Is it possible that some of us (myself included) find a sense of worth in the extent in which we can assert our physical dominance over others?
I'm currently writing my dissertation on risk taking behavior being an evolutionarily adaptive method of mate attraction.

Unfortunately for me, this means I have to read a ridiculous amount of evolutionary theory surrounding risk taking, aggression, sexual dimorphism and intrasexual competition. Let alone other topics such as the biology behind the whole lot.

Long story short, there are many benefits to taking risks, being aggressive and physically dominant over others in an ancestral environment - you'll have (in theory) more success in hunting, defending both territory and family and a higher status within social groups, meaning the women will be flocking to get a piece of you (since you're going to a be a great provider for them and future children).

Funnily enough these characteristics are directly linked with high amounts of testosterone (being more 'manly'), leading you to be larger and more aggressive - something which also requires a very strong immune system. It's theorised that these behaviors are all an honest display of a well adapted immune system, and therefore an honest indicator of 'good genes'. Aggressive behavior serves the dual purpose of gaining resources and attracting a mate by effectively 'showing off'.

So, really, there is quite a lot of truth in what you wrote. You're just fulfilling every role that need to in order to survive and have a relatively good reproductive success - which, in evolutionary theory, are the only two motivators worth mentioning.

Bugger, that was quite long actually. Sorry.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Long story short, there are many benefits to taking risks, being aggressive and physically dominant over others in an ancestral environment - you'll have (in theory) more success in hunting, defending both territory and family and a higher status within social groups, meaning the women will be flocking to get a piece of you (since you're going to a be a great provider for them and future children).
Funnily enough these characteristics are directly linked with high amounts of testosterone (being more 'manly'), leading you to be larger and more aggressive - .

Ahaaaaaaa !!!!!!!
A summary of my life it seems.

I knew you weren't talking bollocks when you mentioned 'women flocking' :):)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
During my reduced visitation to P8nt, I have learned how and succeeded in, building guitars.

Personally, I think you should increase your visitations Skeet; after all, your posts were always entertaining; as long as you don't push the 'inappropriate' envelope too much, you'll be fine :)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Thought that would tickle your fancy
.... you were merely acknowledging the phenomenon of an alpha-male behaviour profile impacting upon the relatively weaker female psyche.
Those chicks were but lambs to the slaughter, no more responsible for their responses than Pavlov's dogs, both dribbling in anticipation.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
.... you were merely acknowledging the phenomenon of an alpha-male behaviour profile impacting upon the relatively weaker female psyche.
Those chicks were but lambs to the slaughter, no more responsible for their responses than Pavlov's dogs, both dribbling in anticipation.

Exactly what I had in mind...
Planning on starring in the next Lynx advert, are we?



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001

Exactly what I had in mind...
Planning on starring in the next Lynx advert, are we?

Now ya see, there's the thing .... I don't need no Lynx cr@p all over my physique, I got good ole fashioned pheromones doing my thang ..... and as you may or may not know Bamb, there is some research going on into the make-up of a person's pheromones content when compared to their position on the male continuum.

The theory being [and of course I am a strong advocate of this theory] that the closer a man is to being described as an 'alpha male', then this will be reflected in the androstadienone levels present in and around his armpits ... sounds incredulous I know but I'm afraid the proof is in the pudding ...... :)


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Now ya see, there's the thing .... I don't need no Lynx cr@p all over my physique, I got good ole fashioned pheromones doing my thang ..... and as you may or may not know Bamb, there is some research going on into the make-up of a person's pheromones content when compared to their position on the male continuum.

The theory being [and of course I am a strong advocate of this theory] that the closer a man is to being described as an 'alpha male', then this will be reflected in the androstadienone levels present in and around his armpits ... sounds incredulous I know but I'm afraid the proof is in the pudding ...... :)
Some very quick research has resulted in me finding a few fairly amusing things:

Firstly, repeated exposure to AND results in desensitisation, and has been found to result in most people describing the odor as 'putrid'

Secondly, AND has a direct relation to Cortisol levels in women - although they don't know the what's responsible for this relation, they can't determine cause and effect.

Thirdly, Cortisol is predominantly used to restore homeostasis after experiencing stress. Continuous secretion of the cortisol hormone leads to the physiological consequences of chronic stress.

I couldn't find anything related to relative social status and AND secretion, so i'll have to take your word. I will say one thing though, if you are as efficient at AND secretion as you say, I feel particularly sorry for any women who spend an extended period of time around you - they're likely to be stressed out of their head!

For your viewing pleasure:

http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/full/27/6/1261 - Wyart et al (2007) Smelling a Single Component of Male Sweat Alters Levels of Cortisol in Women

http://chemse.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/31/1/3 - Jacob et al (2006) Changes in the Odor Quality of Androstadienone During Exposure-Induced Sensitization



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Some very quick research has resulted in me finding a few fairly amusing things:

Firstly, repeated exposure to AND results in desensitisation, and has been found to result in most people describing the odor as 'putrid'

Desensitisation isn't a problem since it's a one-hit success rate .... they experience it, they get sorted, the alpha male is happy, the beta-female is ecstatic ... as for the desensitation rate??
Come on Bamb, even you must know that all depends upon levels and frequency of exposure and by the time all that's been factored in, the poor wench has been laid and made.

The putrid odour has been mentioned yes, but this is when it has been tested in lab conditions after it has been separated out but I'm afraid this has little to do with the real world because people experience odours [and everything else for that matter] as a mixture of many other things that all go to make up that experience; all of which can mediate or change that experience.
I'm afraid the scientific rigours of testing, in that, we strive for objectivity, all fall down dead when we try to apply any lab conclusions to human experience where subjectivity rules supreme.

Secondly, AND has a direct relation to Cortisol levels in women - although they don't know the what's responsible for this relation, they can't determine cause and effect. Thirdly, Cortisol is predominantly used to restore homeostasis after experiencing stress. Continuous secretion of the cortisol hormone leads to the physiological consequences of chronic stress.
I'm afraid this is academic here, Alpha males ain't looking for no romance, they are looking to nail chicks by the bargain-bucket load and so the alpha male is gonna be long gone by the time the beta-female starts getting stressed out and let me tell you something Mr Bamb...... I dunno about cortisol levels stressing women out, I do know that getting married to them does :)