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Sold a Marker Member confirmed the marker is ok Now has issues

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Relative Newcomer
Oct 28, 2009
Yh i would have assumed in my misjudgement after placing 4 balls in 1 by one and them leaving the barrel it to have fired beautifully.

I coudlnt have guessed i would recieve a gun that destroys the balls in the hopper until saturday when i bought a box of balls to use with it.
and also the first time the reg was fine, on saturday the reg goes, why? i cannot understand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2008
xJoe said:
I know exactly how to assemble and disassemble the marker and how it works after reading the manual 3 times before arrival of gun, reading through the pbnation ultimate fixing guide and watching all of bolters videos, im quite adamant the fault was not on my part.
You advised me this morning that you where new with Mini's

tricky m

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
don't want to get in middle of this but what hopper are you using? and could you try a different one on the mini. after reading all thread if paint breaking in hopper could be that at faulty or set wrong.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
The 240 wasnt a complaint, he just implied it was too high?

the paint was brand new sealed polar ice on a good day.

It seems to me like it could have gotten damaged in postage?

and to mclovin, the check valve was fine, nothing wrong with it. i was just told to check it was still there.

Surely if its easily fixable by someone who knows what there doing (mclovin) cant we just solve this by either refunding me or me sending it to you to repair.

I know exactly how to assemble and disassemble the marker and how it works after reading the manual 3 times before arrival of gun, reading through the pbnation ultimate fixing guide and watching all of bolters videos, im quite adamant the fault was not on my part.

It cant be that neither of us did nothing wrong YET the gun is still not working :/
Reading a physics text book three times doesn't make me a rocket scientist. reading a Mini manual 3 times does not make you a marker tech.

If McLovin is willing to repair it, you send it to him and he can send it back to you, but you'll have to cover all costs. A reasonable person on discovering a perceived issue would not jump straight to "I want a refund" mode, they'd surely want the problem sorted. Like i said before, it's a second hand market, not Tescos or Argos where you get your money back because the wind changed direction.


Relative Newcomer
Oct 28, 2009
Id ddnt say i was a proffesional i was saying im pretty sure it was my fault its broken, i cant see why i should cover costs for a non working marker, and the hopper i was using trikky was a dye rota which i used for the rest of the day on my backup its the blow back causing the issue, i wasnt told there would be any blow back when it was sold to me?

Im probably gunna have to just solve it myself with paypal.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Id ddnt say i was a proffesional i was saying im pretty sure it was my fault its broken, i cant see why i should cover costs for a non working marker, and the hopper i was using trikky was a dye rota which i used for the rest of the day on my backup its the blow back causing the issue, i wasnt told there would be any blow back when it was sold to me?

Im probably gunna have to just solve it myself with paypal.
Ok good luck with that. Paypal my not even look at it, and even if they do they can only recover funds which are still in the user's paypal account. All paypal care about is goods which don't turn up after payment.

You've obviously had it apart if you were looking for the check valve and checking the poppit etc. Take it apart again, use your newly found technical ability and reassemble it by the book. You'll be no worse off if it is actually broken, who knows you may even fix it.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Can I suggest a lock on this thread? From how I read it Mclovin is tyring only to help, even offering / sending out replacement bits, and the buyer doesn't seem interested in any help at all. If he didn't test it properly on arrival and it was faulty (highly unlikely given Mclovin's feedback) then it is the buyers problem, it seems more like the buyer doesn't know what hes doing rather than a problem with the marker.


Aug 19, 2003
The extreme cold weather can cause blowback. For example, the cold makes orings shrink, and if they go below tolerance, the marker will not seal properly with each shot.

Along with checking if the check valve is in place, the bolt spring must be fitted ONE way only. If it is in backward, this will cause problems.

Does the rotor have any settings, or is it a turn on and play hopper? If it is always just set on uber-fast-ram-them-down-the-feedneck-force-feed, then this could cause problems on a cold day

Is the board a stock board? What are the current settings?


Now I originate.............
Jan 6, 2009
Crystal lake
This mini was my old gun, sold to mclovins friend, then given to him.
I owned the gun for 1 year or so, It never suffered from blow back issues or breaking paint (no more than any other gun)
I replaced loads of parts before selling it on here a few weeks back, the replacment parts were new and unused and only replaced to insure the new buyer didnt have any issues.

I still do have a few spares and replacment parts left for minis and would be happy to asssist mclovin in repairing the "broken" mini.
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