All views are my personal opinion, I'm not sponsored by either of these companies
- Its never Jam'd on my (opposed to the rotor which only likes perfectly circular balls)
- Easy to switch on and go, no torque settings to adjust
- Better Factory Speedfeed
- Higher stock ball capacity over the Rotor
- Lighter
- Drive wheel to that you can manually feed in paint when the loader runs out of batteries
- A lot of parts to keep an eye on when its been broken down (shell is 4 parts opposed to the Rotor's top and bottom)
- Can't dunk the whole thing into the shower (Battery pack and electrical parts are all semi intergrated)
- Uses eyes and noise activation (if paint jumps back up from a ball break it takes ages to clean the eye cover, not an ingame fix)
- My Z2 broke jammed and wouldn't clear, got sent to KEE and didn't see it for a good 5-6 weeks. (not totally impressed)
- Very difficult to clean during points between games pitside in speedball compared to the rotor (when the drive has paint all over it, you cannot clean every pocket in time)
My opinion - I actually quite like the Z2, I wouldn't miss it if someone gave me a Rotor though, and would use the Rotor as a back up.
From what I've seen of the Virtue Spire, I would be more then happy to invest in it as it seems to apply the simplicity of the Rotor, with easy to access internals.