Haha aye i know Nez! Spent alot of time with the ACES tbh, great bunch of guys and loved their tactical play style! Team Jamba slaughtered you guys

. Loved the day all in all, found the A5 a good marker just have a few teething problems to sort, as it seems to be VERY, air hungry. So i'm going to check out the o-rings on the tombstone and polish the internal barrel. But i think a 1.1 tank is defo the way i'm gunna have to go as the .8 just isn't up to it at all. Felt sorry for the guys on the bridge on the first game there, me and shorty had your lot pinned at the corner.
I was chucking some paint through the barrel and post gap, think that guy who had his hand hit might have been from me if he was on the bridge!(woopies!).
All in all a fantastic day and money permitting i wana make Stargate!!!!