This is a copy of Gassy's post from Ukscenario:
The end of paintball !!
I was sent this ebay link from a fellow site owner - The question I was asked "Did I think if these were shot out of a paintball marker would the marker/gun be classed as a firearm?"
I am not a lawyer BUT I think I know what would happen if it went to court - the person shooting these "paintballs" would be prosecuted under firearms law WHY because they are not frangible and therefore NOT paintballs.
See below "double the weight of a normal paintball" therefore that alone would make them illegal as they would be firing above the 300-330fps limits for a standard weight paintball. "High Density Plastic Coated Steel Core" clearly not frangible !!!
"Perfect for where the law does not permit firearms" just the above two comment would make it a firearm in my opinion
Turn any .68 Cal Marker into a great Home Defense weapon!
Fires at the same velocity as your regular paintballs upto 200ft
(velocity will reduce once past 200ft)
At just over double the weight of a regular paintball
and made with High Density Plastic Coated Steel Core
Dballz™ Will easily break and shatter most glass.
All you need is a hopper full of DBallz and you can quicky,
safely and effectively repel attackers
or wild animals from your home.
Perfect for where the law does not permit firearms.
OK what do I want - everyone with an ebay account to get on ebay and complain until that link is removed !!
The end of paintball !!
I was sent this ebay link from a fellow site owner - The question I was asked "Did I think if these were shot out of a paintball marker would the marker/gun be classed as a firearm?"
I am not a lawyer BUT I think I know what would happen if it went to court - the person shooting these "paintballs" would be prosecuted under firearms law WHY because they are not frangible and therefore NOT paintballs.
See below "double the weight of a normal paintball" therefore that alone would make them illegal as they would be firing above the 300-330fps limits for a standard weight paintball. "High Density Plastic Coated Steel Core" clearly not frangible !!!
"Perfect for where the law does not permit firearms" just the above two comment would make it a firearm in my opinion
Turn any .68 Cal Marker into a great Home Defense weapon!
Fires at the same velocity as your regular paintballs upto 200ft
(velocity will reduce once past 200ft)
At just over double the weight of a regular paintball
and made with High Density Plastic Coated Steel Core
Dballz™ Will easily break and shatter most glass.
All you need is a hopper full of DBallz and you can quicky,
safely and effectively repel attackers
or wild animals from your home.
Perfect for where the law does not permit firearms.
OK what do I want - everyone with an ebay account to get on ebay and complain until that link is removed !!