X-Ball Day @ Northern Quarter Manchester
27th of July
27th of July
Not done this since last year and always had a good turn out, and in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere people always had a good time.
The format of the day will be 10 minutes game or first to 4 points.
There will be 2 minutes turnarounds.
Teams will be 5 man and 1 coach.
You can play in your normal team or have a scratch team of 5 with people that are there on the day.
Green fee is £15.00 byo paint or £32.50 with paint (2000)
we will be using the field lay out from the PSP unless every one wants the lay out from the next MS which will be Germany field.
Plus we have our brand new mini X's as well modeled here by me
If you want to book in then get in touch
We are limiting the teams to 7 and there will be a prize for first place.
You normally get about in excess of 15-20 games.
plus if the day ends early we can stay and just scrimmage against each other.