hi guys, looking for a new marker for woodsball, running on c02. not sure what marker would be best, but like the look of the ion ! cheap as poss please guys. thanks in advance....lee
Maybe you could think about looking into getting a dive tank and rig to become self reliant, and it means you wont have to worry about markers taking co2
Yeah, as a rule of thumb dont use ANY on Co2. But there are some exceptions to the rule, ions i've heard may run on it, but the Vibe, or SP-1 (especially for woodsball ) sounds like a great choice for you
Ions are designed to run on both, although you will get freezing when you fire rapid fire on Ions using co2. Make sure the dip tube is set up the best you can for the Ion you are using. Just because a C02 bottle was used on another Ion it does not mean the Diptube will be in the right place on another. Mark the bottle as to where the diptube faces up wards. Then you have reference for the future.