#1. Bottle cover for a 1.1fibre wrapped bottle. (SORTED)
#2. Pack+pots - a 3+2, just a 3, whatever you got - included pots would be fantastic but not a necessity. (SORTED)
#3. Barrel sock - whatever you got
i got an old jt 4 pot pack with 4 rather beat up 100 shot pods in silver...kinds silver now anyways....i dont know...probably a tenner plus p&p
the pack has the packs stacker verticaly instead of horizontaly.it also has a small pouch for a yank through or something similar...the pots are planet eclipse silver pots...seen 5 years of use so the paint has been a bit beaten off but they still hold paint and close.
ok, after a second bottle cover, however this one i want specific, if anybody has one thats either black, black/grey, or black/blue (mainly black with the blue/grey trim etc).