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Winter is coming


Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
defend the realm.jpg

Molon Labe Paintball is very proud and excited to announce that we will be hosting our very first big game called 'Winter is Coming' on Sunday 05 October 2014 at Skirmish (Dorset).

With Winter not long away and in light of a massive increase in the threats posed by a loose alliance of Wildlings and White Walkers, King Tommen, of Houses Barratheon and Lannister, has commanded that the feuding principle Houses of Westeros, Houses Lannister, Stark and Barratheon, call their Banner Men to order and to assist in the defence of the North of the Realm. This is to consist of a large Realm force in the North, with a smaller force of the Houses best men and Knights to join the Nights Watch beyond the Wall, to directly take on the Wildling and White Walker threat, re-establish the security of the Realm, and bring together the feuding Houses in a common objective

email molonlabepaintball@yahoo.co.uk or Facebook us for more details and to order tickets. Numbers are capped at 60 so get your tickets soon!!

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
That sounds like a really good plot for a TV show.

I'd think about increasing your numbers a bit, though. I don't think 60 is enough for a big game - unless you mean 60 per House.


Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Yea we would love to do more but if this one goes well we will be doing bigger ones :)