a few comments of mine own:
Duke Hillinger of Adrenaline TV was involved with the taping: his original foray into paintball presentations was my PaintFest event in 2000; he and his crew do an excellent job, AND they have editing staff that knows an A roll from a B roll. What his position/involvement with the College thing was beyond holding a camera I don't know.
Duke has also partnered in some fashion with Milt Call and his UAL - but whether its coincidence or a master plan, I have no idea.
The college x-ball field had no X. Now, whether that was due to NXL saying 'no X on the field' or because someone who knows cameras (Duke?) said 'get that monstrous friggin camera-blocker out of the middle of my field!' I don't know, but if you study that tape, you'll notice that it makes BIG whackin difference to coverage of the field. Need I say 'told you so?'
Its extremely unfortunate that CSTV is 'subscription only' so-called premium channel, as I doubt that very many folks are going to fork over the monthly package fee to add it to their subscription just to get this event, along with women's field hockey, competition basket-weaving and Full Contact Debating - but you never know. (I see your point sir, and now I shall poke you in the eye by way of rebuttal...)