Originally posted by Tony
Didn't the Preds get shafted at the World Cup a few years ago too? hmmmm.....me smells a link here with European players\teams beating the Americans in their own back yard........
Yes they did, I didn't believe it when Marcus came back with the Preds and told me they had got cheated out of it.
At that time, myself and Marcus weren't exactly good friends, so I wasn't about to cut him any slack and basically just didn't believe him.
In fact, he was being truthful, the Preds had gotten thru to the final and were kept from taking their justified first place because two other captains (who shall remain nameless, so don't bother even asking) conspired to keep the Preds from taking the Title of World Champions.
The Preds were basically cheated into second place and thus depriving England and Europe of first place at the World Cup.
Before anybody starts to shout and holler that this may be bull****, I was told by one of the guys who did the conspiring when he admitted to me a few years after the event.
Marcus (capt of the Preds) and myself are now good friends and we can both put aside all the **** we used to indulge oursleves in.
I never did give them the credit they deserve when I was writing about them in the magazine at that time so perhaps this is an opportunity for me to put things right.
The Preds at that time were probably the best team in the world, of that there is no doubt and their legacy is huge.
As for the chicanery of the judges when I played my one on one final, well, that was nothing compared to what was done to the Preds.
Hope that puts the record straight !!!